Day 268, DCUO is still not available on Geforce Now

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jason Martin, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

  2. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Contact Nvidia
  3. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    I believe Nvidia updated their policy a while ago so that now developers must choose to opt in to include their games.
    In simple words, Nvidia can't help it.
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  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I'm curious as to how well Planetside 2 actually runs on GeForce Now, if at all. Have you tried it? I tried two or three times back when GFN was first officially released and the launcher just never updated and was stuck there, so I gave up.
  5. Physique Dedicated Player

    Part of the challenge would be to carve out a small team to build the client. It's not just a Windows-based plug and play; there are additional API's and other technical work that would need to be done before the game could be submitted. At this time, the GeForce Now adoption rate threshold likely isn't high enough to warrant that level of investment from Dimensional Ink since the studio now has autonomy and can control what they spend.

    It could also be possible that given the number of new developer jobs on the DI website, some of the engineering jobs might be for a project like this and have yet to be filled.

    I like the question but from a former developer perspective, there are more layers to this than just plugging the game into the new platform that bring additional costs that might not be offset. Just sayin' ...
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  6. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Any game runs on Geforce Now.

    I already beat WD2 and The Division main story line again, played The Crew, Assassin's Creed, EVE Online, reached level 60 on Guild Wars 2, basically I'm prioritizing every game that is on GFN.
  7. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    You don't need to do any of that. GFN creates a windows 10 VM to run Windows games on it. All the team have to do is to login on their Steamwork account (the same account that needed to create to put DCUO on Steam) and accept the terms to publish DCUO for Cloud Play and include Geforce Now as third partner.

    You can read more in here:

    Geforce Now have over 10 millions players, they just launched their new subscription tier which gives access to RTX 3080 machines with 120FPS.

    There is over 1000+ games on Geforce Now already.

    Also, it free to add your games to GFN. I invite you to create a Nvidia account for free and try the service yourself for free (1 hour per session, unlimited times per day)

    Here is a list of games already available throught Nvidia's service:

    The only reasons for the dev to not have their games on GFN is:

    They do not even know about the service (which is not the case for Daybreak)

    They just don't want it for whatever reason.
  8. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    My concern would be about account security.
    DCUO's launchpad can hold up to 10 accounts. Launchpad cookies are stored locally, and you can backup them and put them back, for example, when reinstalling, and the game won't ask for your login/password if you have them saved previously.
    GFN might have to auto-clean launchpad cookies somehow so that every next player can't access previous user's account.

    Unless I'm over-thinking it. :oops: I probably am.
  9. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Your accounts is secure. No other player's have access to someone else session. Every account have their own session saved in Nvidia's database.
  10. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    Okay. I suppose every user gets their own VM session or something. I wasn't sure how it works exactly, even though I've been using GFN for quite a while now.
    Thanks for letting me know. :oops:
  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I know that games can run on GFN, what I was saying is that when I tried Planetside 2 on GFN the launcher literally did not work. It would open the launcher and then never validate the files, meaning I couldn't press the Play button. I'm wondering if there is an issue with some games that have to be launched through a launcher like what DCUO uses. That's why I was asking if you had played Planetside 2 through GFN.
  12. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    I see, maybe they did not used the GFN SDK right to upload the game to Nvidia servers.

    Well, since DCUO is on Steam, they don't have to worry about it
  13. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Why do we need a 3rd launcher again?
  14. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Who said it a 3rd launcher? You will not be forced to play on GFN. GFN is a cloudgaming service, and there is no need for a 3rd launcher.
  15. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Sorry what I meant is, why have it on GFN when we already have Steam and the game launcher?
  16. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Because people could play the game literally anywhere they wanted? TV, Smartphone, Tablet, through Google Chrome on their workplace browser (which I do when there is nothing else to do during work day)

    Right now, I want to install Linux on my computer, but DCUO is Windows only, but GFN would solve it cuz I would play DCUO on my Linux installation using GFN. Not to mention, people with very bad hardware could play DCUO on ultra graphics on 1080p 60 FPS.
  17. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I feel like that's just wasted resources when there's more important issues that could be tackled. Want to play on your TV? Connect your PC to it. I personally don't see a point in playing on my mobile or tablet but that's just me. If your workplace would allow you to play the game on your browser, why not just download the game? It's not like the requirements are absurd, it's pretty dated.
  18. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    As far as I'm aware literally all that is needed is to tick a box allowing Nvidia to host the game on GeForce Now. There's no extra development needed by the dev team to the best of my knowledge. GFN is just a streaming service. Essentially they have a virtual PC in the cloud and you're just streaming that PC to whatever device you're on.
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  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Sorry, no plans.
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  20. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Exactly, it effortless at best.