Damage Debuff, 7% not enough.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Kaleb57, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Does any else feel like the damage debuff is useless im pve due to the small amount of damage it reduces? If anything, it should be a 50% damage reduction because 7% just isn't noticable in any content.
  2. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    It strips the dmg buff from batman/lex in the drone/pull toon of nexus. That right there is more then enough reason to use it lol.

    If it reduced dmg by 50% that would just make the cotent to trivial.
  3. TheDark Devoted Player

    No it's not. I've done nexus without ever putting up the damage debuff. It does nothing significant. It doesn't stop a bosses special attack or any attack for that matter. It just removes the buff under the name tag. Lex is still going to do whatever he's going to do.

    This whole thing with some controllers saying a damage debuff is a must needs to be checked. It's just 7 percent reduction in damage in pve. That's it. It is not a must. Most players just put it up for a false sense of security.
  4. Deathmike Devoted Player

    7% is just too low.
    It should be 7.25%.

    Deathmike out.
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  5. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    It'd be useful if it stopped the big threat attacks from being executed, the ones that put the skull over the enemies heads.
  6. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yea that would be cool. Especially if it had to be timed right or else you couldnt get it. As for the damage reduction, I think anywhere around 20% would be good. Maybe 30. I don't want to think about it. It's too early.
  7. FrontlineR Well-Known Player

  8. Owl Devoted Player

    I think all Debuffs should scale with Dominance.
    Possibly a percentage point for every 50 Dominance. 100 Dominance = 2%; 500 Dominance = 10%; 800 Dominance = 16%
    • Like x 4
  9. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    With a scaling tied to CR-levels, eg:
    From 4 % for 50 dominance to 0,5 % per 50 dominance. This would keep it strong enough at low levels and prevent it from being too strong at high levels.

    In PvP it is fine as it is right now.
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  10. Radium Devoted Player

    Have it scale with the Minimum Dom the content requires would be perfect. Give another useful reason for Dom speccing for Trolls.

    So say every 50 points over the minimum would offer 1% additional reduction.
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  11. Kassiopeija Active Player

    what matters is the overall design or finetuning of a boss vs the playergroup in their expected gear upon introduction.

    now let's for the sake of argument you'd get your 20% dmg mitigation via your new dom-mechanic what will it mean in the end:::? nothing. because that 20% will be taken into consideration when that bossdamage is balanced vs tankdefenses. in order words, they will simply up the bossdamage to some extent.
  12. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    10% would be a nice round number

    edit: also while not going to make a huge difference the damage debuff is noticeable. it will not save you form one shots but it makes the normal damage hit for less
  13. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    I like the idea of more things scaling with dominance for trolls. After that fix that made all debuffs last the same amount of time regardless of dom, the trait seems silly. Just gear will get you to the minimum dom requirement for instances, so I currently have no need to spec into dom innates. It doesn't even seem to give enough boost to a shield to matter since popping a shield with no dom innates allows me to pick up a teammate, which is all I need it to do. So, as it stands now, dom has become a trait for tanks only it seems.
  14. C3alix Committed Player

    Every time I read a thread like this, I think people just want the game to be EASIER.
  15. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    7% is too low and 50% is too high, I say 25%. It's not like 25% of a one-shot is going to save you but at least it'll make me feel like carrying one isn't a complete waste of a power 99% of time.

    Hope I was 100% clear.