I couldn't locate any listing for them, so here are 2 out of the 3 new collections. Gotham’s Dark Beating Heart 1.A Blackmail Letter for the Wayne Family 2.The Crowne’s Shady Financial Ledger 3.A Nefarious Elliot Family Letter 4.A Vandalized Kane Family Portrait 5.Dumas’ Sinful Confession Letter 6.Falcone’s Hit List 7.Court of Owls Ripped Talon Mask 8.Arkham’s Altered Patient List 9.A Politician’s Incriminating Document 10.A Cracked Black mask 11.Maroni’s Fraudulent Banking Ledgers 12.Cosa Nostra’s Tribute Ledger Enemies In the Dark 1.A Vampire’s Relic of the Past 2.Bottled Vampire Blood 3.Fractured Orb of Sunlight 4.Empty Vial of Holy Water 5.Worn Slayers Leather Whip 6.Cracked Wooden Stake 7.Worn Axe Head 8.Hellsing’s Tattered Quiver 9.Broken Vampire Ash 10.A Red Handkerchief 11.Pile of Vampire Ash 12.Drained Blood Bag
Rituals of Alchemy A chip of Philosopher's stone Partially transmuted carbon Bottled alchemical fire Worn mortar & pestle Blunt boline Ritual chalice Cracked wand Flake of Brimstone Vial of mercury Ritual chalk Pulsing magical rune stone Chipped quartz bowl
I'm assuming It's a box with aura's? or it's the only thing they didn't show on the stream-because I saw the box in SJ's inventory.
With some of the newer collection feats (not the style collections unfortunately) they started a checklist format if you click on the feat, hopefully that helps PS4 more, it's a start on seeing some of the collection names (Unless that doesn't help ps4) :/
Mepps was needed as play-by-play announcer on live stream as he knows what we're gonna ask before we ask it. "How do you get the runic auras?" You complete one of the collections (rituals of alchemy) and you get a box with all five, bonus!
You might want to update the announcement thread with this information, since a box with all five is much more desireable than just one (which is honestly what I thought when seeing the livestream and announcements). This was a nice call.
Nothing at all to do with your statement...just an inquiry as to why the Drowned Pirate Gear Boxes do not stack? Please, by all means, log into my acct. and check out the craziness in my toons banks.
Please look into making missing Collections visible on PS4, the way PC has them ! It’s badly needed nowadays with hundreds of Time Capsule collections.