Curious of your T6 Gear Modding

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, May 8, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    Hello everyone,

    I was just curious with WM released, how are all of you modding your T6 Gear.

    I am thinking I will mod my Controller with Vitalization & Precision VIs in Reds / Yellows and Vitalization & Dominance VI in my Blues.

    My tank set I am going to mod the same way my Rage gear is modded just with VIs instead of V experts. Blue/ Red (may switch to Dominance & Precision with WM) - Dominance & Health and Yellow Restoration & Health.

    DPS is where I am very undecided. Mainly on my red slots. Can't decide on Precision heavy or MIght & Precision.

    Let's Discuss. :)

    P.S. Searched for any threads like this couldn't find any... So, sorry if there is already a thread for this ;)
  2. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    I'm just gonna mod my controller the same except my rings. I'm going to be changing the mods from vit prec to vit dom to keep up with the dom requirement. I'm kinda used to having 500 extra dom over the minimum. I'll also be changing one mod (can't remember the exact piece) from vit prec to dom prec.
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  3. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    No reason really to mod T6 gear at this time. T6 gear isn't even needed. 90CR gear + Weapon Mastery is beyond capable of destroying everything in the game with ease.

    That being said, if I was going to mod my gear (Troller), I'd put Vit/Pre in all red and yellows and Vit/Dom in blues. WM has made powering a group of players far to easy. Sadly there is no reason to stack Vit, or trollers for that matter, anymore.
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  4. TheDark Devoted Player

    I do plan on modding my new gear just. I remember reading of different armor penetration values for different tier gear. I never stacked Vit in the first place considering the minimal boost in PoT. Some think it makes a difference :rolleyes:. So I'm continuing to mod with Vit & Prec VI in my yellows and reds. With Blue's I'll mod Vit & Dom just incase the new t6 raids have a higher suggested dom.
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  5. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    Has it been confirmed that there is a DOM cap of 2000 (in Tank stance)?


    As a Rage Tank, I love my trollers.....:rolleyes:
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  6. Flightboy New Player

    Different topic, but agree with your last sentence.
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  7. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    agreed. that said i plan on modding the 92cr pieces i buy with t6 mods but i'm not bothering to even equip any of the 90 or 91 gear that drops. just collecting those for the feats and salvaging for the fe6's.

    also this go around i'm placing controlling as secondary and purchasing a set of dps gear first. keeping a group of four powered isn't that hard unless theyre very careless. the 92 dps gear makes the duos, alerts and solo missions go by that much faster.
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  8. Flightboy New Player

    I have over 2K Doninance in Tank role.
  9. GodofSorcery New Player

    For my healer straight Resto and Precision in yellow socketed gear and resto vi in rings resto health in blue
    Dps Straight Might&Prec in red sockets Might and Health in Blue Might &Power in Yellows Rings will be Might VI
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  10. OM3GA 4 New Player

    my DOM as a Fire Tank plus almost 160 SP, is 2208.
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  11. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    For my dps gear I'm going prec heavy. Eventually I'll put Prec VI in my red slots, but for now I'll stick with Prec Exp until I get more FE6's.

    Tank mods will remain the same.

    Troller going Vit/Prec on the reds and yellows.

    For my healer going Resto/Prec on the reds and yellows. Been thinking I might go Prec/health on the blues. Not sure yet :)
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  12. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    Well, I have over 2000 DOM too, but I thought someone crunched the numbers and said the DOM bonuses max out at 2000 (so, you can have more than that, but anything above 2000 doesn't do anything). So, in Remander's Tank DOM bonuses below, the DOM would max out at 2000:

    Rage: 0.6:1 Health : Dominance buff when using powers.
    Earth: 1:1 Defense/Toughness : Dominance buff when using powers. Important for damage mitigation.
    Ice: 100% Dominance buff. Important for shield strength (Winter Ward, Bitter Winds, Shatter Restraints).
    Fire: 2.2:1 Health : Dominance buff when using powers.

    Probably easiest to test for Ice right? Or am I mistaken?
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  13. Flightboy New Player

    I'm surprised you haven't bought your FEs. (Britt is super rich!!!) :p
  14. Flightboy New Player

    Sorry for the confusion ;) Yeah, methinks Ice would be best to test this.
  15. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I have 10 ;) But I also have 4 toons and 8 sets of gear to mod. That's not even including my PvP gear lol. So.... Yeah, just using expert synths and expert 5's for now.

    I'm not wasting my money on FE6's! They won't get mah monies!!! :p
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  16. Kristyana New Player

    Fire or earth are actually the easiest.

    I've tested it on fire and there is no dominance cap.
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  17. Flightboy New Player

    GIMMIE MONIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! (sorry I had too ;))

    On topic, why Precision over Precision & Might? I understand Precision & Health / Precision & Power.
  18. Flightboy New Player

    Thanks for the clarification! :) How are you modding your Tank gear Kristyana???
  19. Kristyana New Player

    Might is pretty much obsolete with the current incarnation of Weapon Mastery. Why bother speccing for might when a weapon mastery combo critical can net you almost 20k? So everyone is trying to squeeze out the absolute most precision they can at the moment.

    Still, that cannot be intended, so I'm modding my gear with an even mix in anticipation that they will eventually fix it.
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  20. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    You're getting a bigger benefit from prec right now with WM. :)
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