Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Manolishill, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    And your just another player that thinks his way is the only way. :rolleyes:
    Plenty of us PC players didn't wanna be playing with the extreme exploiting that's more prevalent on the PS side from fear of catching a ban just by being in groups with PS exploiters.

    I'll pass on mic ing up with PS players after watching some crazy hate on chat from PS players to PC players.
    Why the hell would I want to hear you 14yr olds when i already have to see your idiotic chat hate?

    Sorry to any PS players that actually play with respect...I've played with a few....but the majority have been rude and condescending.....with less skills.

    Not hating on ALL PS players....but get a grip.....we are putting up with alot more abuse and hate from your side simply due to the number difference.

    And back on topic......
    OP is trolling trying to start trouble......plain and simple.
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  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Manners aren't exclusive to PC but keyboards are. I've taken to just throwing out a /wave or /salute at the end instead of typing anything out. I usually get an emote in response.

    Just don't /bow. Whether you mean it or not, it gives off a "I just carried you" vibe.
  3. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    Although the op might be trolling.. I ran bd earlier with 2 healers at 152cr. The ps healer had close to 2m healing out and the pc healer at 150k.. how on earth is that possible? Maybe just an isolated situation, but it freaked me out that no one noticed lol.

    As for all this pc vs ps hate.. not sure if it's just playful or what, but ppl need to chill the eff out. I think it's awesome the community just got bigger. I could do without the lag spikes on ps4 though.
  4. Controller Devoted Player

    I think the game was already strong before Cross-Play, but no doubt this has helped AND has been fun!
  5. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    You mean (mental) 14 year olds who think that the only way to get some self-worth is to insult everything that is not them?
    That's why I love the ignore feature.
  6. Saami Loyal Player

    Too late for EU im afraid. Servers have surprisingly low population to have all EU in same.
    Just try to find players for older content or try to queue bigger pvp maps and you see what i mean.
  7. L T Devoted Player

    Actually, it's not quite all I hoped it was going to be. As a PC-side villain who pugs a lot because their league is still kind of dead, I find Qs pop much faster, but tend to be filled with High CR players who don't actually know how to play very well. I don't know which side of things they're from, but doing the AF2 raids is a challenge again because they're near impossible to finish if your group won't listen. YMMV.
    I beat those the same way I always did: 1) turn off suicide squad 2) q for legends 3) embrace your dark side and beat on heroes.
  8. Fies Committed Player

    Somewhat true imo. EU as a whole basically feels like USPC before the merger (a bit better but still). Definately has sth to do with many EU players switching to US long before the merger as well as non EU/US regions rather joining US than EU.
  9. JediKing Level 30

    Did crossplay saved the game...? Hahaha....hell no it didn't. It just fixed que time a little.There are still many issues left and if not fixed they would have wasted crossover which they should have dine when it got in to PS4
  10. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i wouldn't say saved, because the game was never dying in the first place But crossplay did help the game out a lot i enjoy the heck out of crossplay i mean guys i am in a new league with some awesome players on the heroside now if i only can bring my villain over there :D.

    But seriously the game is a lot more fun
  11. Minnion Devoted Player

    Poes law, as best as I can tell half the "Idiots" on these forums are people who've forgotten that sarcasm doesn't translate well to text, or people who are deliberately mocking the "other side" by making parody posts that they think are extreme enough to not be taken seriously.... Then there are the ones that are actually serious... The problem is it's hard to tell the difference sometimes.(Or most of the time.)
  12. Minnion Devoted Player

    Arguably it was dying on the PC at least... Probably because more FTP competition on PC side....
  13. FrostedFlakes Level 30

    Loving the cross play way faster to make raid groups zap zap
  14. SSeid Committed Player

    More like prolonged its death.

    It is a very nice addition, especially if you are not a native USPS player. But the game can not be saved unless they start producing better quality content.
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  15. Eternal Flame Active Player

    Was the # really that low? I looked at it b4 when the max cr was lower and then counted the # of people in my league at max and saw we had 40% of them in our league alone. Imo the population is very low if thats going on. But of course some on here still said "population on pc is great".
  16. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    Heroes. We hate 'em, which is why I laugh at PC people overreacting to the 'hate' they're getting. This is nothing.
  17. Brother Reimar Well-Known Player

    This game has a low populaton???? I must play some other very small games.

    The only problem I see with the cross play is expectations have been too high, attitude by too many ha been too lousy, and gamers be gamers... Now just more of them.

    Needless to say proclamations of anything seem to be a bit premature.
  18. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    I wouldn't really say "saved". The decrease of PC pop has factors including, game updates, community and/or the unspoken fact of personal game library. A lot of the test vets really got discouraged when most of their proper ideas got ignored, mainly because they can't just really compete with the amount of whiners in-game. It got to the point where a lot of players quit due to boggling updates.

    And people might quit due to the update or not, remember that the PCs current game library is just unbounded. Even I took month-long breaks to keep up with the new releases. So I'm kinda curious about the PS-DCUO player's average game library. Making it kinda funny to see 5v5, trade chat with PS players bashing PC when most of then are actually NOT in-game and playing something else.

    Anyway, it wasn't really dying on the PC perse, it's just, most of us log in, do the content (some replay the new content on the week of it's release to the point that they're done), log out, play something else.

    Jared, where were you when Battle for Earth was the current content? I know fun is subjective but ask any PC vets (who are still in-game) to make a comparison of which was more fun in-depth gameplay-wise.
    I can't tell you it wasn't toxic back then but chat and forums were filled with competitive people talking about their might/prec, resto, vitalization. I've seen all powers top the scoreboard, heck even healers compete.

    Honestly, if it weren't for my friends in league, I would've left too, but we don't really care anymore because no matter what we do, whiners control the game updates... so yeah, we just play for friends nowadays.
  19. Nu31 Well-Known Player

    As I said in a similar thread, I love every aspect about crossplay. Having multiple phases, new people to run with, seeing chats lively, etc. has gotten me really excited/rejuvenated to play the game now! I've already met a lot of people that I enjoy running with whom I would have never met if crossplay didnt happen. And as for the whole PS vs PC thing, in what world should it matter what platform you play on? Its laughable people are actually serious about this.
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  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Q time for both system have improved.