Cross-faction LFG - please make it happen!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Oct 31, 2021.

  1. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Please allow cross-faction LFG to become a thing in this game.

    This would allow LFG chat to be seen by both heroes and villains in a shared faction setting. It would also allow heroes and villains to group up in a pre-made group before queuing into an instance.

    There would be various positives to this:

    1. It would give some life to the villain side once again. Villains can run in LFG groups with other players who are heroes or villains, without having to switch to a hero to queue in in the process. You would be hard pressed on villain side (certainly on EU server) to find a villain group (via LFG) to run a raid with at this stage.

    2. More LFG posts means more players will be shouting for various endgame content and be able to group up much easier.

    3. Villains would be able to keep or farm their supercharge without need to switch to hero to q and switch back, depleting their supercharge bar in the process. This would be great for speed run feat attempts for DPS, heals would be able to use supercharges/EOG procs from the get go, and it would benefit villain controllers/tanks as well.

    4. It would also make things easier for no death feat attempts without needing the villain/s to keep switching to hero and back to Q in, or asking another player to Q in on their behalf.

    The only issue would be for certain older operation content, like in the War of the Light episodes and Hand of Fate. These are faction specific. Maybe at first this feature could only be for endgame content, then this could be looked into later. Otherwise hero/villain versions could be random on which you queue into, similar to the random Qs that we have now.

    But at least for endgame content, please let cross-faction LFG happen! It would be beneficial to many players.

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  2. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I get the request but it has a glaring flaw. If there was a cross-faction LFG that would not automatically make it possible for the 2 factions to group up together. You cant group the 2 factions currently. The only thing this would allow is for the 2 factions to communicate which duo/alert/raid to queue for or to ask the opposite faction to queue in Omnibus. You'd need an entirely different system to make this work. Not impossible, but its not one change as requested.

    Also isn't there Versus Chat for cross-faction communication already?
  3. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Any chance this and cross-faction grouping can be targeted once the next-gen client gets released?
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This sounds more like cross faction grouping vs just the LFG. Not saying I'm opposed to either, but being able communicate is only 1/2 the issue. I'd guess the LFG would be easier than the grouping a step in the right direction.

    EDIT....just noticed this was a 2 year old post. Doh.
  5. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    People have been requesting this for years with multiple threads...wouldn't a universal LFG be the easiest start?
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    We desperately need cross faction grouping.
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  7. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    It was already in the talks internally, but was scrapped or delayed to either priority shifts, too much estimated effort or technical difficulties they wouldnt be able to overcome unless they reworked the whole game.

    Im not sure if there was ever an official response on this topic as to why its not a priority or why its not a priority anymore and thats why i asked again after patiently waiting for 3 years until the Next-Gen Client is finally within reach.

    Also, im not even a villain and this would affect me very little, but i would actually boost my villains artifacts and allies if this change will make it into the game.
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  8. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    I don't think they have addressed it at all beyond saying that they were looking into it, so it seems more like on the backburner.

    The census on the US server shows that the hero to villain ratio for toons that are at least max CR is 75-25, so it would still help heroes to get the remaining 25% of the population that plays actively. Also, for old content/particular feats the other faction LFG could be shouting out for it, but you'll be missing out.
  9. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I've suggested this in Cross-Faction Grouping thread as well, as at the very least thing they could do in that direction.

    In the thread I just mentioned, early on you can see the devs talking about it and wanting to implement it slowly over time (baby steps), but the devs in charge of that particular project left the company not long after. The idea has been dormant since then and has since seemed to leave with them.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Some of my ideas to improve on Cross-Faction LFG:

    - Either make LFG cross faction as-is (like say/shout, and shows H or V)


    - Perhaps make a new separate (toggleable) LFG for both factions (named Global LFG, perhaps? Or Cross-LFG)?

    - Another idea, could rename current LFG to Hero LFG/Villain LFG, and make regular LFG the cross-faction version.

    These options will make it so those that choose to play non-cross faction or want to hide a specific LFG they could have the freedom to do so.
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