Create your own Legends loadouts

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Circe, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I was going to reply with, "People like Darkseid and Doomsday are just too powerful and wouldn't fit in with the rest of the crowd." But then I remembered that we have Robin facing head to head with Superman and can even win. So, I'll tackle this...

    Movement mode: Flying
    Weapon: Brawling (melee)/Handblasters (ranged)

    1) Swooping Lunge: Fly directly at your opponent in a massive lunge, knocking them down.
    -Single target lunge attack. This would work like a mix between Swoop Attack and Bane's Crushing Lunge animation. The first part of the animation would be Swoop Attack's, the second would be Crushing Lunge.

    2) Omega Sanction: Encase your opponent in the walls of alternate dimensions and cause damage over time.
    -Single Target encasement with damage over time. This would be a lot like Hal Jordan's Light Cage, but with a different animation.

    3) The Anti-Life Equation: Cause your opponents to cower from you in fear.
    -Area of Effect damage and crowd control. Darkseid would smash his foot into the ground, causing the ground to shake and making opponents run in fear of him. This would basically be Sinestro's Conduit of Fear, but with a different animation. I would also give it a very small damage over time tick.

    4) Omega Beam: Shoot powerful disintegration beams from your eyes at your opponent.
    -Single target beams that do extra damage to a player below 35% health. This would start by looking like Heat Vision, with turning beams of course. But it would damage the way Gadgets Photon Beam does, and work in the same way as a finisher. This would also be Vulnerable To Interrupt.

    5) Time and Space: Warp through reality and reappear at a distance from your opponent, damaging anything nearby.
    -This would essentially be a Backflip-like move that does not do damage at first, but does it at the end. The animation would be of Darkseid disappearingfrmo where he's at and moving backwards a set amount, the distance of a regular Backflip power. Upon reappearing, nearby enemies would take damage.

    6) Loyal Parademon: Summon 3 Parademon soldiers to aid you in combat.
    -This power would be just like Two-Face's Twisted Minds, spawning 3 aggressive pets with handblasters as weapons.
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  2. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Unless Darkseid counted as 2 players it'd be a disappointment.
  3. SirMuttonChops New Player

    If it were up to me, I'd have Darkseid just walk, but if anyone got close, he'd hit them with his Omega Beams and they'd just get teleported back to the spawn point. Once he's on a node, it's his. Period. lol
  4. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    What about Spectre?

    I don't know if this would be good but:

    Prophetic Judgement: causes damage over time, is a 50% supercharge and serves a Reverence P.I. also giving power over time

    Spirit of Vengence: precision and dominance buff, Reverence P.I.

    Yoke Destruction: heal overtime (equal to half the damage you take) and damage over time with a bitter cooldown (15 sec)

    Purge: shoots a focus blast of Holy Energy causing enemies to be convicted, stopping attacks for a short time. Damage buff 50%

    Recalibrate: Return 30% damage and get healed by 60% of the opposing member's damage

    Wrath of the Presence: same as in Game... but with Reverence P.I. gives a small Heal

    I got nothing else. I tried.. I know terrible.

    Oh the weapon would be two handed. Movement: Flight and the powers would be slow, but not too slow.. like slightly faster than celestial but still slower the HL...
    You guys Decide... I don't know.. I tried lol
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  5. Invictus2112 New Player

    Like this thread, so want to get it back up.

    Also, one character who I think should have already been a Legend: Solomon Grundy. Don't have time just yet for the loadout (will come back and edit it in.) But, you can probably imagine what he has. Even amongst the big league hitters in DC, Grundy tends to be one of the most brutal of the brutes. Prob because not only is he strong, but he literally has no need to feel or fear pain or death. Makes it really easy to do things at maximum force. I'd see him as the newest king of the hill for the tough guy.
  6. Invictus2112 New Player

    Whoops, guess too late for edit... anyways, loadout!

    Movement: Acrobatics
    Weapon: Brute brawling (Notice how some npcs have a specially animated brawling, like Doomsday or Strong Ras? I mean that)

    1. Thunderclap. Like his bounty, a superpowered handclap. Damages and pushes back in a cone. Safe from counters, shoiuld be fairly quick and good for clipping.
    2.Grave Rot. Creates a temporary state where he passively damages nearby enemies. Also damage mitigation.
    3. Grave vengeance. A sort of karmic move where he deals base damage plus damage recently received. Usable while on ground or controlled. No counter.
    4. Dead man walking. You know how some mobs rev up and charge forward while immune to cc? Yeah. He hurtles towward a target to end in an overhead smash.
    5. Grundy show you! A move where Grundy jumps on an opponent to stomp them. Can be aftershocked, and will switch targets if you do. Does radial aoe. Vulnerable to block on 2nd hit.
    6. SC Born on a Monday. Debating exact. Premise is if on when killed, Grundy basically gets second life. Either it'd be a few seconds of not dying and complete cc immunity, or rezzing after a couple of seconds down, and a fewsecs of cc immunity. Either way, a Grundy with full SC does not die just once.

    HP: higher tier, prob around Arkillo. I'd ask for more, but am aware the above suggests someone with good survival tools. Basically Grundy should be fairly relentless, relying on safety of moves and hp to keep swinging. That said, brute brawling should prob be 2h slow or worse, so real damage requires not sucking. Also prob slower overall, whatever that means in a world of clipping. I almost wish there was a way to make him suck at blocking to compensate... Maybe high cooldown factor?
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  7. Demi Sapphire Active Player

    I think it would be neat to see Clayface. He could have maybe 2 or 3 supercharges that changed him to a different preset legends character (Batman, Bane, and Two Face just as examples). Would be cool since you could basically adapt to what type of character you think would be best given the situation. Could be acrobatics, brawling, and have his spin move he does in the sewers. Maybe a ground pound move and a sort of clay throwing projectile too.
  8. TheLoneLantern New Player

    For Poison Ivy,

    I would her to have an add summon. Similar to the OP's #5 power for her except it summons 3 treants instead of 1. Additionally, and this is the most important part of the mechanic, while they are alive and near her, she gains 50-75% damage mitigation on all attacks. Very similar to Bizarro's 1/2/3 powers. The adds would have between 1000-1200 health, last for 35 seconds if not killed before then, and the cooldown on the power would be 40 seconds. If Poison Ivy gets a group healing dot (probably wouldn't be much for balance sake), then i would make the adds only last for 30 seconds.
  9. Invictus2112 New Player

    So, who do I want to add next? Black Adam! I even have a theme for his playstyle!

    Weapon: Brawling or Swift Brawling. Depending on incarnation, Adam's experience as a warrior shows through in being a bit more... understanding of technique than, say, superman. Of course, sometimes he just smacks you all super strong like, so...

    Movement: Flight.

    1. Thunder Clap. Is what it sounds, claps so hard he creates a boom around him and induces static charge that affects foes. radial damage, stuns, leaves a DoT. reflecting lightning damage. Good for clipping, safe to use. His bread

    2. Force Drain (could prob use a better name.) A quick single target blast where he shoots lightning at the foe. What is special is that this heals Adam for damage done (or some percentage.) His butter. Vulnerable to interrupt.

    3. Ammon's Wrath. A mighty ground slam whose waves damages enemies, pushes them back, AND leaves Adam with a brief stint of damage reduction. Very good defensive tactic.

    4. Tyrant Dive. This is a special variation of Swoop Attack, built somewhat on the idea of Adam from Injustice. Instead of being like a bullet, he goes for the headstomp. but otherwise is similar to Swoop Attack.

    5. Living Lightning. Black Adam leaves a ground based AoE with a duration. Damages enemies and leaves a DoT. Basically similar to Atrocitus' blood pool, but with no hidden PI for his other moves.

    6. [SC] SHAZAM! Adam calls upon the source of his power for the mighty bolt. This heals him heavily, breaks him out of any CC, fries surrounding enemies, and pushes them away.

    Playstyle: Black Adam is all about getting in and staying in, kind of like Arkillo or Kilowog. Unlike those two, his capability is much safer, as his AoEs will be safe from counters. What WON'T be, however, is his Force Drain. The theme will be using Force Drain correctly lets you stay in optimal range to unleash your Thunder Clap, Living Lightning, and Ammon's Wrath. In emergencies, Ammon's Wrath allows for space, Tyrant Dive can get you out, and if you have the SC, SHAZAM! basically resets the clock.

    Against a single target he can be effective, but the sheer brute force that he can bring to bear may be controlled by the fact that his foe can always read when Force Drain is coming. Still, two DoTs, a drain, and his own Swoop Attack means he can handle himself.

    If he gets Brawling, he has a good BB, and the threat that brawling and 2H always carry: failing to react means heavy damage. Swift brawling might have a good BB (depending on how they'd interpret a non-Kryptonian version), more "safe" damage, and the ready CC that comes with an MA variation.
  10. kajutsu New Player

    I think gameplay is not enought different between each legends concerning weapon
    We need to have a look at how many legend per weapon are actualy available
    Brawling ; 10 / MA : 7 / HB : 4 / Dual pistol : 2 / 2H : 2 / Rifle : 2 / dual wield :1 / 1H : 1 / Staff : 1 / Shield : 1 / Bow : 0

    So i would vote for 1 legend using Bow and 1 legend using Shield/Staff/1H/DW

    Bow : Green Arrow (obviously)
    Staff : Aquaman(trident)
    1H : Deathstorke - Hawkman/Hawkgirl - Ra's al ghul - Scarecrow(1H/Rifle)
    DW : Deathstorke (because he can use all weapon)
  11. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Clayface seems like an interesting thing to tackle. I really like the reference to the duo, so let me see if I can give this a shot...

    Clayface would have mutation powers. And by that, I mean real transformation powers. So, he'll have a series of load outs rather than just one.

    Base Clayface would look something like this:

    Movement: Acrobatic
    Weapon: Brawling

    1) Mud Clap
    - If anyone has faced him in the open world, which I hope you have, you'll know this one. He claps his hands together and shoots a single target needle-shaped projectile at the player. Decent burst damage. Does a bit of crowd control by pushing the player.

    2) Stomping Lunge
    -This is his 2nd power in the open world, where he jumps at players and knocks them down while causing burst damage.

    3) Clay Pool
    -This power would look just like Clayface turns in the duo, a big puddle of clay on the floor. This transformation would have it's own load out.

    1) Clay Spikes
    -This would be the Area of Effect spikes that protrude from all around Clayface during the duo. It's decent AoE burst damage. This would have a 6 second cool down.

    2) Clay Mace
    -This would be the mace-looking object that Clayface swings at players during the duo. It'd be a nice cone attack that does damage to multiple targets.This would have a 6 second cool down.

    3) Model Batman
    -This would turn players into Classic Batman, and give him all the powers except for the Bat Drone. That power will be replaced with a power that switches the player back to the original Base Clayface.

    4) Model Robin
    -This would turn players into Robin, and give him all the powers except for Stealth. That power will be replaced with a power that switches the player back to the original Base Clayface.

    5) Model Joker
    -This would turn players into The Joker, and give him all the powers except for Barrel of Laughs. That power will be replaced with a power that switches the player back to the original Base Clayface.

    6) Model Harley
    -This would turn players into Harley, and give him all the powers except for Stealth. That power will be replaced with a power that switches the player back to the original Base Clayface.

    All the Model powers and the Switch to Base Clayface power will share a 30-second cool down. This prevents players from lagging other players out with constant transformation. Clay Pool will not share this cool down, and will have it's own 15-second cool down.

    The reason I gave the Clay Pool powers long cool downs is because that mode would basically be immune to the counter mechanics. Spamming powers without being countered ever would be a huge issue. Therefore, COOL DOWNS! COOL DOWNS EVERYWHERE!
  12. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    While I've wanted Green Arrow for a long time (anyone who's seen me in-game...:p) and I love what LoneLantern did with the loadout on the first page...I want this. Seriously. Me? Bow? Combos? Legends? Gift for b0b? Please?
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  13. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Let's revive this thread with something a bit more Topical...


    The Flash
    Movement: Super Speed
    Weapon: Speedster Brawling, almost like Ursa, except no kicks.

    1. Vortex Trap: Encircles your target in a disorienting super-speed vortex.
    --Single target crowd control. 2 second cool down.

    2. Tornado Pull: Creates a tornado which pulls your target towards you.
    --Single target full-ranged pull. 2 second cool down.

    3. Speedster Combo: Rush at your opponent from range and stun them from shock, giving you time to unleash a barrage of attacks.
    --Single target half-ranged charge, rushes at your opponent and creates a stun. If timed properly, up to 4 taps will create a combo of melee speed attacks (2 punches animated per combo, for a total of 8 punches delivers), with taps 3 and 4 vulnerable to block. 6 second cool down.

    4. Flashback: Uppercut your opponent, knocking them into the air, and then run back to safety.
    --Causes knock back. Applies dodge. Works like Backflip only with a teleportation animation (moving so fast that it looks like you teleported).

    5. Aggressive Phase Dodge: Deflects even block-breaking attacks by vibrating your molecules at fantastic speeds, forcing the attack to simply pass through you, as you fight your opponent.
    --Shield. Protects from incoming damage for a short period of time; up to 1000 damage or 10 seconds. Character can still attack for the duration of the power, unlike regular Phase Dodge. 45 second cool down.

    6. Metabolic Boost: Accelerates your metabolism to heal damage, restore power, and rebuff control effects for a short time.
    --50% supercharge. Gives a small heal over time and power over time to the player. Lasts 8 seconds. Also, shuts out Aggressive Phase Dodge from the load out for the duration of the supercharge (in order to keep players from healing and gaining power without taking any damage). 45 second cool down.
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  14. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player


    J´onn J´onnz, the Martian Manhunter


    Movement mode: Flight
    Weapon: Brawling


    Red Planet´s Gaze: J´onn shootsd a beam of energy in an arc (45º, does not inflict burning so that the ability to hit multiple targets does not become OP)

    Fists of Mars: J´onn elongates his arms, allowing him to attack from a greater distance (construct-type attack with a 10 meter range from the target, works like a Haymaker combo)

    Mind Read: J´onn infiltrates the target´s minds, knowing their every move before they do and anticipating to every attack (Gains a defense buff, hits against J´onn have a 20% chance to miss entirely)

    Density Shift: J´onn rearranges the density of his molecules, allowing him to move through solid matter (gains a movement mode that allows him to "move through matter". The player sees it as an illuminated circle over the area. The movement can only be used over surfaces)

    Lobotomize: J´onn throws a devastating mental attack causing incredible pain (single target stun, heavy might damage)

    Guise of the Enemy: J´onn uses his shapeshifting abilities to take the form of one of his enemies (the skin changes to mimic that of whatever target he has chosen. His movement move and abilities remain the same. The name over the player dissapears. The disguise is blown is J´onn receives damage, or deals damage)
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  15. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    I LOVE these powers. Also, kudos for giving this guy a loadout. A fav of mine (my main character´s DPS armory trait is designed to make him look like Red Hood)
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  16. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    This is a bit farfetched on my part BUT, did you consider (pretty sure you did) that when she uses these powers, Zatanna calls out the name of the power but in reverse? It would fit her magic style perfectly.
    Although with time, people would learn the speeches and us them as warnings. But... it would still be an amazing addition,
  17. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I've always been a huge fan of the Robin's. Dick, the one he trained too well, Jason, the one he let down, Tim, the true detective, and Damien, the son. All have had awesome characteristics that make them some of my favorite characters. I really liked the short-lived Red Robin series where Tim picked up that cowl.
  18. Ice Clown New Player


    Amazo's health will start at default of 4k. After that, when a legend toon kills Amazo, he will adapt and copy the Health of the legend toon that killed him, so basically his health will keep changing (unless its 1v1).

    Movement: flight and super speed. Click movement button for flight and hold movement button for super speed. Tapping or Holding movement button will put Amazo back to walking.

    Weapon: some kind of ultimate weapon with the combos of every weapon in game? or brawling? or starts out with brawling by default, then when Amazo dies to a legend toon, Amazo will adapt and copy the legend toon weapon style that killed him, so basically his melee combos will keep changing (unless its 1v1).

    Power loadouts:
    Copy Power 1 - copies any legend power in the first spot of the power tray. Hold the power 1 button to remove the current copied power loadout and gives Amazo his Copy Power again.

    Copy Power 2 - copies any legend power in the second spot of the power tray. Hold the power 2 button to remove the current copied power loadout and gives Amazo his Copy Power again.

    Copy Power 3 - copies any legend power in the third spot of the power tray. Hold the power 3 button to remove the current copied power loadout and gives Amazo his Copy Power again.

    Copy Power 4 - copies any legend power in the fourth spot of the power tray. Hold the power 4 button to remove the current copied power loadout and gives Amazo his Copy Power again.

    Copy Power 5 - copies any legend power in the fifth spot of the power tray. Hold the power 5 utton to remove the current copied power loadout and gives Amazo his Copy Power again.

    Copy Power 6 - copies any legend power in the sixth spot of the power tray. Hold the power 6 utton to remove the current copied power loadout and gives Amazo his Copy Power again.

    Yes I know, it looks overpowered.:p
  19. Ice Clown New Player

  20. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    Time ago I created a Deathstroke draft, with the option of switching weapons like Joker and Huntress, BUT his loadout would also change completely when he did so, alterning between a melee focused and range focused loadout and to also reflect the wide array of tricks and gadgets he uses to take on his targets.


    Movement: Acrobatics

    Weapon: One Handed/Rifle

    Loadout 1:
    Impale: Deathstroke runs his target through with a vicious sword thrust .
    Additional damage to helpless targets. Triggers a DoT effect (reflected by small blood effects, as if the target was bleeding to death).

    Ultrasonics: Deathstroke sticks a pair or ultrasonic emitters on the enemy´s head, triggering a deafening sonic frequency that stuns the target.
    One target stun, 1 tick of heavy damage.

    Shockwave: Deathstroke charges his blade with electricity and hits the ground to release a paralyzing electric pulse.
    360º AoE melee-ranged, stuns up to three targets

    Throwing Knives: Deathstroke throws an arc of poison-laced knives at his enemies
    Same mechanics as Throwing Knives from the Acro tree.

    Pressure Points: Deathstroke launches a quick succession of hits to the target´s vital body points, disabling limbs and rupturing critical blood vessels and arteries.

    Deals additional damage to targets below 35% health. 5 hits, with the final one being larger in the target meets the health criteria. Vulnerable to block.

    Rifle: Changes weapon and loadout.

    Loadout 2:
    Incendiary Ammunition: Deathstroke uses a special clip of ammo with thermite components to burn his targets.
    Single target, 3 hits. Triggers a burning DoT.

    Laser Blast: Deathstroke draws his energy staff and shoots a stunning laser beam.
    Single target ranged stun.

    Flashbang Grenade: Deathstroke throws a custom flashbang grenade to blind and disorientate his foes.
    Ranged AoE stun. The stun applies to no more than 3 enemy players, although the damage splits for more. Those affected by the stun (the selected player and two more adjacent players) suffer a damage debuff for 15 seconds.

    Protection Field: Deathstroke activates a small shielding device to protect him from damage for a short time.
    Enables a shield that stays up for 5 seconds.

    Grenade Barrage: Deathstroke uses his linked grenade launcher to shoot several explosive grenades.
    6 ranged hits with a small area AoE damage. Vulnerable to interrupt.

    Sword: changes weapon and loadout.