Create your own Amalgam charakter

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by JKwak, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. JKwak Well-Known Player

    inspirated from the create your own Lantern corps thread, i like to start a Amalgam thread
    If you are not familar with the Amalgam universe its a universe where DC and Marvel heroes are fused. (and yes it is Canon, at least pre 52 and pre secret wars 2015)

    Harley Pool - Amalgam of Harley Quinn and Gwen Pool

    her power is breaking the 4th wall with sledgehammer
    the back story is the same as the back story of gwenpool but she is a Villian with Harley Quinns personality

    Iron Saphire (Miri Williams) - Amalgam of Iron Heart/Iron Man/ (Riri Williams) and Miri Riam

    her powers ar the same as the powers of anny Star Sapphire Corps members plus the aid of an Ironman armor

    the backstory is close to Riri Williams, it was not her friend who got shot in a drive by but her first boyfriend.
    When she tried to reverse-engineering an Iron Lantern Armor she had no power source but was later chosen to be a Star Saphire and used a Violet Power Baterie as source

    the Totally Awesome Hulkbeast (Garfield Cho) - Amalgam of the Totally Awesome Hulk (Amadeus Cho) and Beast Boy (Garfield Logan)

    he has Hulks and beast boys powers (but is not green in his human form) plus the high IQ of Amadeus Cho
    his backstory is totally awesome
  2. Rejoicer1 Well-Known Player

    The Sponge: Amalgam of the Absorbing Man and Plastic Man: No matter what you hit him with, it just makes him stronger as he absorbs the power of the attack while gaining the ability to add the best characteristics of it to his body if it is better than what he already has. Backstory: Loki enchanted Sponge Bob instead of Crusher Creel.
  3. Anothername Well-Known Player

    John J. White - Amalgam of J. J. Jameson and Perry White
    Special Power: never had a stroke and still has a healthy lung
  4. JKwak Well-Known Player

    you forgot, he wants pictures of Spiderboy :)

    uh i have a new charakter

    Ultimate Spiderboy prime (Miles Kent) amalgam of Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and Superboy prime
    he is originally from the Ultimate-Prime earth (amalgam of the Prime Earth and Ultimate Universe)
    and has the same powers the canon charakter Spider Boy (Amalgam) has
  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    To be fair i made all these up a long time ago.

    Atom Ant:Ant Man +the Atom
    Dr.Thunderbolt: Dr.Strange and Johnny Thunder
    Super Fantastic: Superman and Mr Fantastic
    Fantasti-Girl: Elasti Girl and Mr.Fantastiv
    Gypsywitch: Scarlet Witch and Gypsy
    Quickstep: Quicksilver and Vibee
    Big Wig: Big barda and Medusa
    Lucky Strike: Mr. Miracle and Black Bolt
    Golden Hawk: Iron Man and Hawkman
    Paste Pot Peter Eater: Paste Pot Pete and Matter Eater lad
    Captain Mid Nite: Captain America and Dr. Mid Nite
    Deadeye: Deadpool and Two Face
    Pathfinder: Dawnstar and Dani Moonstar
    Shrieker: Black Canary and Screaming Mimi
    Devilman: Batman and Dardevil
    Knightwing: Nightwing and Moon Knight
    Molecula: Zatanna and the Molecule Man
    Whizz Kid: Kid Flash and the Whizzer
    Tiger Lily: Tigra and Poison Ivy
    Doc Rock: the Thing and Dr. Fate
    Swamp King: Swamp Thing and Namor
    Daddy Long Legs: Spider Man and the Elongated Man
    Scabbard: Katana and Marrow
    Sinistar: Sinestro and Moonstone
    Pocket Rocket: the Wasp and Rocket red
    the Poker: Joker and Wolverine
    Panthera: Black Panther and Catwoman
    Granny Gun: Granny Goodness and the Punisher
    Wargazm: Shazam and Ares god of war
    Miss Multiplication: Madrox the Multiple man and Duo Damsel/Triplicate Girl
    Red Mask: Madam Rogue and Madam Masque
    Firecracker: Jubilee and Starfire
    FX: Professor X and Kinetix
    L.O.B.O.: Large Onslaught Bio Organism (or some such): Lobo and Modok
    Thingamajig: the Thing and Metmorpho
    Darkskull: Darkseid and the Red Skull
    Stamina: Stealth and Mantis
    Moongirl: Batgirl and Moondragon
    Jack Flash: Jack of Hearts and the Flash
    Potty Mouth: Paste Pot Pete and Matter Eater lad
  6. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Some of those don't work because they already were part of the actual amaglam universe (Profesor X was with Dr. Fate to create Strange Fate, Scarlet Witch was mixed with Zatanna to create White Witch, Superman and Captain America were Super Soidier, Jubilee and Robin were melded to form Sparrow, and so forth).

    I'm pretty sure the point of the thread was to create new ones, which means you couldn't use ones that already were used to form others
  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    stick in the mud: poison ivy and avalanche
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  8. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Is stick in the mud a male villian who flirts with everyone because that would be hilarious.
  9. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    [IMG] [IMG]

    Character Name: MOONSTRUCK

    The phases of the moon decide his personality...

    Waxing - More aggressive and comically verbal.
    Waning - More quiet, imposing, and stealthy.
  10. Black Fist Loyal Player

    Oh, I made one of these characters a long time ago for use in DCUO. I took a list of all the Marvel characters and DC characters and randomly chose one from each to merge. I got Wind Warrior from Marvel and Gregorian Falstaff from DC (not even sure who either of them are anymore), but I came up with the villain Wind Robber. Originally I was going to use Ice powers and some of the flight movement powers, but I could never come up with a desirable outfit, also movement powers sucked when I originally did this (they still might, I haven't the foggiest) and a pure Ice character who's supposed to be powered by the wind didn't make sense, so I never made her. But as soon as Wind or Air or something similar is released as a power, she shall be made!
  11. JKwak Well-Known Player

    at least some of his ideas are better than the canon charackters

    edit: and it was Doctor X, Doctor Strange and Doctor Fate
  12. sirzap Well-Known Player

    there is already an Atom Ant.

    • Like x 1
  13. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Trying to come up with a few more:

    The Astronomer: silver surfer and starman
    Warboy the living weapon : negasonic teenage warhead and arm fall off boy
    Metalmorpho: metamorpho and colossus
    Concussion: boom boom and knockout
    Baby boomer: Boom boom and baby boom
    the boom boom room: boom boom and danny the street
    mite: ant man and the atom
  14. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Try looking up leagues with "Amalgam" or "Amaigam" (capital i so it looks like an L). Just keep in mind the picture can be out of date and some characters may have been renamed since the pictures were last updated.
  15. sirzap Well-Known Player

    let me try:

    Observer: Monitor + Watcher
    Novafire: Starfire + Nova (Female Human Torch)
  16. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    His name was Doctor Strangefate (although to be fair I think it was Xavier, Dr Strange and Fate, normally they just took two but I know some of them used three).

    I actually own some of the comics, including the original ones that released them which is why I was prattling on like that.
    The amaglam universe was very very interesting to me even if I didn't like all the combinations or what they did to some of the characters.
  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Bugbear: Beast and Ambush Bug
    Glyph: Cypher and Zachary Zatara
    Namera: Mera and Namora
    Brainiak: the Brain and Deathlok
    Mademoiselle Mallah ("Miss Monkey") : Monsieur Mallah and Gorilla Girl
    Danny the Starship: Danny the Street and the Carrier
    Doctor Croctopus: Doc Ock and Killer Croc
    Thunderstomp: Thundra and Stompa
    the Parapsyte: parasite and leech
    Mindbender: Mr Mind and mastermind
  18. JKwak Well-Known Player

    speed demon is an amalgam of 3 characters the Ghost Rider, Etrigan and the Flash and i think OA the Living planet is an Amalgam of Oa, Mogo and Ego
  19. ArgyleSox New Player

    Back when Wizard magazine ran a contest to create an Amalgam character (I think it was around the time of the second fifth week event to feature Amalgam comics, but I'm not certain), I had created Massacre, a combination of Doomsday and Carnage. The image was based on one of the the early images of Doomsday in the tattered green rags, but showing a spiked symbiote half formed on a human host rather than a torn suit on Doomsday.

    Didn't have a chance to enter the contest, though. Was showing the picture to my older step-brother, my step-mom saw the red and "horns" and went into a fit about demons and ripped the picture to shreds before we could draw breath to explain.
  20. JKwak Well-Known Player

    Carnage alone freaks even the Joker out, no wonder why your step mom thought it is a demon
