crashing issues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WhiteW0lf, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Ok so this is actually for the sake of finding out what is going wrong with my fiance's computer, or the game. I'm not sure what exactly is the issue here. My fiance has a pretty beast computer. The graphics card, mother board, and processor have all recently been upgraded to FAR beyond the required specs and the game runs at max settings beautifully.

    However, the game hard freezes about once per hour on the hour when she is playing. Like clock work. I have not been experiencing the same issue on my PC running on the same internet with a substantially crappier computer. So this leads me to believe that the issue may be with her PC rather than the game. But it is obviously not the specs of her PC that are the issue.

    If anybody else has experienced these same issues and has any idea what may be causing this or how to fix it then please let me know.
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  2. Tirion Fordring New Player

    not a geek here, but might be the os. i run dcuo on bootcamp (win 7) and remember having the same issues. so i redid bootcamp, re-installed win 7, opted out of the "windows update" recommendation, re-installed the game and viola.
  3. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Oh that's right I forgot to mention that she is running on windows 8.
  4. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player