CR no longer matters right?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jason Rage, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    No I said tech warriors statement was misleading the rest of what you were saying wasnt relevant as to whether the original statement should be considered misleading.
  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Guess I'm ignorant and suck since I haven't cared about grinding for SP in like 3 years. :)

    I've gained 100 SP in three years, lol.

    Just play, they will come, and no their not that important.

    They do HELP, but are as important as your making them out to be. Sorry, you and 3very one else can keep going, but please point out what content, or anything you couldn't do because you didn't have enough SP? Ask the same question with gear, and it's a pretty simple answer.

    Even mods are not important, lol. That will start some stuff. ;)
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  3. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Again how is it misleading? Not entirely correct, but not all out false.
    You have to look at both sides.

    Take off your gear keep full SP and go into instance.
    Repeat but this time take off SP and keep gear.

    Which has a better chance?
    Of the 2 both are skewed tests (I think we'd both
    agree) Yet 1 has a much higher chance of success.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    It only has to be partially incorrect to be misleading do you need me to point you to the definition of misleading

    He purported it to be something it wasn't that is misleading by the very definition.
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  5. Mazahs Loyal Player

    By all means... Or here. Let me

    giving the wrong idea or impression.
    "your article contains a number of misleading statements"
    synonyms: deceptive, confusing, deceiving, equivocal, ambiguous, fallacious, specious, spurious, false
    "a leaflet full of misleading statements

    Pretty sure his statement wasn't misleading. Would you like me to give the definition of perception?
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  6. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    I read the title of this thread and simply laughed (not at you). CR doesn't matter and neither does SP's for the DPS side of the house. You can go into a T4 raid now at 220+ and be completely smashed by the bosses (no matter how many SP's you have).

    At the end of the day, all that really matters is your power set. For support roles, there's actual skill required to do your job effectively. For DPS, Electricity, Rage, and Earth are completely above the other powers for damage output.
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You can have 300 sp and still suck as a player. It doesn't show anything.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Yes his post certainly didn't give the wrong idea or impression because it was full of holes.

    Saying "just take your gear off" doesnt provide meaningful context to the stats you are then inevitably looking at thus making the impact look worse than it really is all to further the viewpoint that skill points are worth less than they really are.

    Whereas what I was saying is "yes gear is your core, but let's not pretend sp are as insignificant as you're implying or will be implied via your experiment because you're not explaining to people what they're looking at so it will mislead people".

    Thus his statement in and of itself is misleading.

    this may also help.
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  9. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Especially if you're a bad DPS or Support Role.
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  10. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Most of your stats are in your gear and mods use to add CR to our gear but DCUO removed it. The SP idea idea in a very bad idea. SP just as CR never has fixed a bad player, blocked, dodged or learned instances & instance mechanics. SP does not even really show time in game because accounts can be bought with 250-300 plus SP. You can even pay websites to grind your SP for you. So again this idea is a very bad idea.
  11. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I forgive you for the false statement that "sp do matter".
  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Let's give this one more try... Now i already showed you a way to see "approximately" how much that SP is actually helping anyone... take all that gear that"supposedly" does not mater any more off and watch all your stats including those enhanced by SP drop like a rock..

    So okay we have eliminated any potential boosts your stats get from armor and MODS.... and like I said you'll discover you are luck if the affected stats are still at 10 or 11% of what they were with the armor... Now add in a couple other factors we can not "take off".

    What kind of generator mods do you have in place and how much of that small total you have left is coming from them

    Now.. are you in a league and does that league have ??? boosts in affect that are increasing your stats as well.

    Heck these days we can even add in the question how many artifacts do you have slotted and what level are they because THEY add to those stats as well.. but you can take those out while you take off your armor.

    I have no clue how to estimate what all those things may be adding but it is very possible that all that SP you have only gets you about 8 or 9% more on the specific stats its all slotted into .. the rest comes from ARMOR, MODS (which gee get slotted into..ARMOR) and those generator mods and league buffs.

    Now years ago it was possible with high enough MODS to actually increase your CR.. normally only about 1 Combat Rating but it was possible. They got rid of that entirely so the ONLY way to increase combat rating was to obtain better armor. If they did away with THAT what makes you think they will suddenly decide to start letting SP increase combat rating. All this idea is doing is trying to FORCE players to run missions they may have no desire to do so its easier to que up and find a team.

    Sorry but I bust my butt to earn the marks, coins, war bonds, marked bills and ultra bucks I need to buy better armor. I am not about to suddenly have my Cr lowered because I don't do PvP and don't have as many SP as you because of it. You want higher CR.. Run the missions and buy the better gear.
  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    No need to change the fits perfectly. Combat Rating<== That last word right there says it all. Your rating determines if you can get in or not and how effective you might be.

    All of these requests to lord it over others who don't put in the same amount of obsessive work is out of hand. PvE is cooperative game play, why do you feel the need to show superiority over your teammates??? As it is, you can ALREADY do that now by just playing better than the rest. I run with people who have lower stats and gear than I do that can run circles around me. They didn't need a numerical boost next to their name to do all of that. So no...just no. Better to ask for PvP to be restored to its competitive glory....that's where all of this belongs.
  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    And just what is it that you do with that gear...??? Oh, go into combat. The title doesn't need changing.
  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If more people did this they would know just how much skill points do actually help. The problem is that most have maxed out their primary stat so they can't see anything past that. During the anniversary event wee got boosted to cr280. I took my low level Celestial Villain (with 89sp) and ran the solo daily, and compared him to my hero side Celestial toon (with 358) and the difference is astounding....not just in damage output, but just damage sustainability. On my villain I had to resort to weapon attacks because I ran out of power quickly, and using health barrels to stay alive when my soder was on cool down. Meanwhile my hero could do plenty of rotations without using his weapon or the barrels. That's both toons boosted to CR280.

    What people are trying to ask for on the DL is to have the kind of imbalance usually caused by maladjusted powersets or broken abilities, provided by higher stat points. They don't want to buy respec tokens to chase the new FoTM or actually change their loadout and rotation to counter whatever the new flavor is. They just want to brute force beat people with a higher number of stat points instead of skill. Either that or they got their buns handed to them by some "rook" with half their stat points but double their skill. Either way, this is an old argument with zero new logical reasoning that the Devs would consider as good enough to cause such an upheaval after all of that work with the revamp.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    See look at this you're still misleading people, your test/experiment is horridly inaccurate there's no approximates about it you're categorically misleading people by telling them do something without giving them any meaningful background information or finer parameters in which to read the data.

    Taking all your gear off and just looking at the remaning stats is "not an indication of how much SP are actually helping"
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Absolutely that is why everytime I will call out this nonsense for what it is, absolute nonsense.

    Get your skill points up people, the more the better.
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That usually happens when you ignore mechanics. That can happen for one of two reasons: Either you haven't run that content in so long that you forgot what the mechanics were or you ran that in the AM era where you could brute force your way through mechanics if your cr was high enough. Either way, pay attention to what's happening in the room and you can get through it just like we all did way back before all of the crutches and broken non-sense. ;)
  19. GingerOnTheRocks Well-Known Player

    There seems to be a lot of people in here that don't want to be comparing SP to others in the game haha. I think SP needs to matter more towards stats like it did before anything like this happens.

    It would also be hard to balance the actual CR number with the stats the SP gave you when new content drops. It would have to be a really low CR boost. You mostly get stats from gear and not SP, so if the CR boost from SP was significant you would get players with artificially boosted CR from SP, not gear, making them weaker than their CR shows. If that wording makes sense? lol
  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I saw this the other day when I was on my hard light toon (i'm still trying to get the hang of it after the revamp). There was an Electric DPS who was at least 5 crs above me and had at least 300+ skill points*. I had him beat by about a million, putting me in 3rd place...and I suck with Light. My point is he had good gear, a better than decent amount of stat points and a still good powerset (Electric did not get hit as hard as Nature), and I outDPSed him by a fair amount. He wasn't AFK, and he didn't die that often (we ran Panopticon, not Elite).