I have been hearing alot about cr levels being raised but my equipped cr dropped from 114 to 113 on my troll role. It says my current level is 114 so i dont understand
dbl check your gear. last night a 115dps had a 105cr because he collected the lvl 20 1h shovel from the seasonal and forgot to put his 101wpn back on.
Checked several times switch between my dps and troll armory still equipped as 113 my dps cr is unchanged which is strange
CR rounds down not up so if you only have IL 99 + 1 IL 100 you would be 113 in that set of gear. So what you see is correct.
Similar happened to one of my chars boosted with some high mods: was CR 99 before, equipped CR is 98 now. Another char with same gear but weak mods was 97 before, also 98 now. If you had higher than "normal" mods in the gear, your eq cr will have dropped.
This is the new math for CR Mods and Combat Rating Armor Mods no longer contribute to Combat Rating. Combat Rating is now equal to 115% of your gear's weighted Item Level. Because you always wanted to know, here's how each slot is now weighted and contributes to your Combat Rating. The combined total below is 115%. • Back: 8% • Chest: 12% • Face: 6% • Feet: 7% • Hands: 7% • Helmet: 11% • Legs: 12% • Neck: 6% • Ring (2): 6% each • Shoulders: 9% • Trinket: 6% • Waist: 7% • Weapon: 12%