Cr is more important than Sp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Silly Goose, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Tanner Wade Active Player

    You think it is all elitist fault?
    You obviously do not have extensive experience with dcuo or higher level content.
    I am much more skilled than most players with my HL DPS toon. I also know how to maximize my powerset and take advantage of anything made available.

    That said, just recently I was over 90+ cr with only 50+ sp with all modded 80 gear maybe one or two pieces of 70 gear. I met the CR requirement for anything but T6 content. Because of my low skill points content like assault and battery and strike team/mist alerts were much much more difficult. The only way to make it through those particular instances was to be carried.

    So while there is a cr requirement, sp are equally as viable to a certain extent. Look at like this, there is a cr requirement to enter, but knodded to be sucessful and/or carry weaker players there is also a sp requirement.

    Another thing to be aware of is, when weaker or under geared it is possible to be carried through raids and alerts for every role but tank. Tank is one role you just can not be sucessful or carried in higher raids without being prepared. I see tanks all the time that can not survive keeping the agg on all bosses in the particular instance. For example, in A&B, in Sinestro kills you in two or three hits, you have no business tanking that raid.

    So do not get mad at "elitists" they are not discriminating against anyone. Maybe they stress skill points because CR is obtaible through gear that is GIVEN to you. While skill points are EARNED.

    Another reason why most stress skill points is because you will be sucessful running through content if your skill points match your CR.
    But once you hit 85 CR you can not be sucessful running through high content with less than 55 SP. Don't be mad at elitists that is just the way it is. Don't get mad, get even (an even number of CR and SP that is) lol
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  2. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I speak from experience, I am a 108CR Socerry DPS with 129 SP and a friend of mine is 106CR Electric DPS with 187 SP....I admit that every time we play together, I never come close to the damage that he put out. If you really think SP is not important, why do you thing poeple put hours and hours of their times trying to farm SP? For what purpose if it not important?

    Right now if I saw a "104cr 180+SP looking for lockdown" and "108cr 70+SP looking for lockdown" I would rather take the 104cr over the 108cr anyday.
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  3. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player


    You are really funny! you need to stop play DC and be a Comedian!

    Next joke please!
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Wow... 9 pages.

    SP is probably greater right now due to the innates you can get from WM and the crits.
    CR is still a chunk of important, though, it just comes faster.
    I also believe your gear with outweigh SP come T7/T8...

    You can do good results with low SP, but who are you kidding? If you love this game, you should run the content. I have an alt account right now with a toon I've been working on that is CR106 with 103 sp. About 20 SP of it is from collections and styles, but 80 SP from just running the content! THERE ARE A LOT OF FEATS now that you can earn by just running the content. You can be lazy and still have a lot of SP. It's not that bad. We have 11 DLCs right now. If you just picked out the easy feats in those and of course run all the alerts, duos, and solos... You can probably get about 65~SP. Then couple that with the leveling feats...

    My character is 33 days old. 33! Not hard to feat grind now. To be honest, what is hard is getting the new 94 gear with how they distributed the gear and marks.
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  5. chmegma Well-Known Player


    you have 9 pages of responses without having to keep it going, well done! if you hadn't reponded to that post (even if it was funny) you would have gotten 10.
  6. Tule New Player

    Okay, so first you say CR doesn't matter, then you say take off your gear and you won't be able to finish content...

    So then.. CR = Matters. Which was my point. Everything matters. Everything makes you stronger, its a combination of many factors. Anyone who says "Blank doesn't matter" is obviously very poor in whatever "blank" is or fails to understand what "blank does". Cause it all matters. Especially if this trend of "Give a boss 3812-9382183184712-47813-947130947189763 health points" continues. Then overtime that 5 cr will help you not loose your mind on a boss if that boss fight ends a precious minute earlier.
  7. Multiverse Creator League

    Context please....... Reading the WHOLE bit might help.

    I said;

    "I have 105 CR..... CR does NOT matter. Or it only matter in the sense that it gives you access to more content."

    It helps to READ and UNDERTSAND the whole comment.

    Not just take ONE part out of context.

    Once your CR is high enough to do a mission.... that is all that should matter. ;)
  8. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Ya know I took my troll on a Lockdown a couple weeks ago. The raid over all did fantastic. Me? I got my *** handed to me repeatedly. Did I blame the raid? Nope, I just sat there and thought...."Yep I'm gonna need more sp"

    The cr requirement is NOT all that should matter.
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  9. Shinbujin Active Player

    I'm not generalizing anyone. I'm simply stating that it's possible to have incomplete sets of gear that can be incorrectly modded and still achieve the highest cr. Therefore just because someone has a 108cr does not mean they have the skill or the gear to successfully run end game content.
  10. NagaNakki New Player

    High amount of skill points doesn't necessarily mean a more skilled player indicates a commitment and willingness to learn the content and mechanics that make passing that content easier. Example.... When TD was first released a group I was in picked up a tank to pug. He was a 105 cr with 65 sp. not a huge deal until the last room with WW. We had to repeatedly tell this tank not to attack her while she was blocking. Our cries fell on deaf ears. He proceed to mash his buttons for 5 wipes and 35 minutes in the last room until we explained to him over and over how the fight goes. Still, he went ham on his buttons. We had to kick him. He just was not getting it. Was it because he had low sp? No, but his low sp was a sign that he was either oblivious to or didn't care to run the mechanic needed to pass. This is commonplace now. Cr and sp are equal and congruent but not parallel. Cr notes the strength of the toon, sp notes the strength of the player. They are equal because both are needed to achieve total success. It is interesting to note as well, that far more sp are available than cr. does that mean sp is more important? No. More valuable? Yea
  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    can you give me a example of annny feat that teaches me ANYTHING that id be able to use in a raid? and i dont mean raid earned feats like killing boses in certain ways
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  12. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    4 corners feat? its not killing a boss but it'll test your patience :}
  13. RSL New Player

    it's not the GETTING of SP that is the important thing. it's the HAVING of them. this silly talk about 'SP doesn't mean you have skill' is a giant red herring people with no SP use to validate them not trying to get them. tally up all the innate bonuses [talking crits and stats] and imagine that on a piece of gear. then tell me how useless that piece of gear would be.
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i dont care about your SP or CR as long as you can do what you come to do and keep up with with group
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  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Do you need more SP??? or better gear??? or more practice??? or more actual skills??

    Unless you are FULL 94 Gear with FULL Type VI mods.... How do you "KNOW" that what you actually lack is SP??

    How many SP did you have??
  16. Flightboy New Player

    Out of all of these posts, this is spot on! :)
    • Like x 2
  17. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    TBH more practice on that particular raid wouldnt hurt. 107, most of the gear, and a practiced Gadgets Troll. 108 sp, definitely room for improvement. Lockdown isnt an easy raid, but I felt foolish, or carried and that's unusual for me.
  18. Flightboy New Player

    Your sig is OPPPPPPPPPPP #NerfDC-DollsSignature :p

    Oh yeah, you're 120% correct about SP. :)
    • Like x 1
  19. Multiverse Creator League

    Right there I would be tempted to say that Gadget is actually your problem.

    Gadget don't have any real good shields.

    My first toon was a Gadget with Dual Pistol.

    When I made a Mental character later.... having TK shield and Bastion made a HUGE difference.

    My Mental character's survivability was much much better then my Gadget's.

    I could do missions with my Mental toon that my Gadget had a freeking hard time doing. And my Gadget was a good 10CR ahead of my Mental at the time.
  20. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player


    I can see it now; "Need 108 DPS for T6 raids, 20 sp max."

    Trust me, they're out there!