Cr is more important than Sp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Silly Goose, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    it depends on whos definition of low sp you are talking to i have 107 sp on a cr 108 and i do just fine in higher content and i would be quite unhappy if i was told 107 sp was too low and kicked out before the alert/raid even started now if someone have under 50 sp that would be too low for sure

    for me i think under 80 sp is to low for t5 and under 90 sp is too low for t6 but thats just me

    there really is no exuse for being cr100+ and having under 50 sp sinse if you just do the side quests when you are leveling up to 30 and run the races and buy the starter styles in the watch tower you should be over 50 sp right there and by the time to reach t6 MOT's are very easy to getr and you can use those to get marks of merit feats etc.and then there are alo many other fairly easy to get feats so you should have no trouble getting 80-90 sp by the time you hit cr100
  2. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    This made me smile thx
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    what you are doing in generalizing players ive seen high cr n sp player fail utterly
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  4. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Sure CR is more important than SPs but if you’re an “elitist”, you tend to have both; so why wouldn’t they “discriminate”?!!
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Combat rating (CR) was greater than skill points (SP) before weapon mastery (WM). Now, SP makes a huge difference. Getting WM is just part of that reason. The critical chance and critical damage are the other part. The higher your critical chance, the more likely WM will hit harder. The higher your critical damage, the harder WM hits.

    I'd say CR = SP now, and SP might even have the edge for skilled players.
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  6. Tule New Player

    Okay, any tool used wrong is useless. We are implying the people are using them to at least an average degree of skill. Not this random scenario you are bringing up.
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  7. ErnieB Loyal Player

    People keep pinning this on elitist and even vets, well "NEWSFLASH" devs have contributed just as much, remember back when OC came out how they said Dox was only for skilled players, then comes Survival Mode when I remember Jens (Spytle) say it was only for the "hardcore gamer" with lots of SP and high CR, fast forward 2 months later and when they revealed Lockdown raid the first thing out of their mouth was "this isn't for average players, it's a raid for the hardcore player with the highest skill and CR". So yeah instead of taking it out on the "elitist", which btw they all started pretty much like we did and if anything have earned the right to called themselves as such, we should remember the people making this game actually make content directed only at them. And no this isn't a rant against devs, but instead trying to understand why attack a specific part of the community when the fact is there are portions of this game made to their demands.
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  8. Tule New Player

    Basically this. This is what is wrong with the community. If content isn't made for them specifically they get mad. "I don't have high CR, so CR shouldn't matter" "I don't have high SP so SP shouldn't matter". Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Overall it matters in regards to the strength and usefullness of a character or player, but it isn't always needed. People need to stop trying to take it to one extreme or the other.
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  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The op didn't say sp don't matter, he said cr is more important which it is. A 190sp 103cr toon would get wrecked by a 108 70cr toon both same skill level. Most of y'all are trying to make out sp=skill, which it don't. I have 176sp, and before feat sharing I had 9 toons 120-150sp fyi
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  10. Tule New Player

    No, but other people are saying that now.
  11. Veritasum Loyal Player

    CR > overrated than SP.
  12. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    More SP the better! but I understand what you are saying, but if you looking at doing T6 content you really need to be at least over 120sp
  13. Multiverse Creator League

    It's very simple math....

    Take away all your SP and look at your stats.... then take away all your gear and look at your stats.

    Here is the difference with a 123 SP Mental Toll toon;

    Health ...6068.........1185

    Although this character is made so I could have the the Power Crit chances.
    I could have more Defence and Precision if I had taken the skill points giving extra Defence or extra Precision instead of trying to get the crit chances.

    It is very easy to test the difference.

    Take away ALL your SP and go do a T5 or T6 solo mission. You can still do the mission fine. Sure it is not quite as quick as if you had WM.... but you can still do fine.

    Then take away ALL your gear.... equip a Level 1 Weapon.... and let's see how long you last with your 180+SP.

    It is very simple math.

    Sadly there are those who wasted countless hours grinding for SP who now try to convince others... and themselves.... that grinding for SP was not a complete waste of time.

    Just play the game.

    Heck as you play the game.... you WILL earn SP just by playing.
    No NEED to go crazy and grind for countless hours.
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  14. Multiverse Creator League

    I have 105 CR..... CR does NOT matter. Or it only matter in the sense that it gives you access to more content.

    When I had 100 CR... I was doing fine. Now I have 105 CR... sure it makes things a but easier..... but I was doing fine before.

    And SP does not really matter either.

    Again.... simple test.

    Take away ALL your SP.
    And you will still be able to play just fine.

    Sure having WM does help...... but youo can still play without it.

    Then take off ALL your gear and equip a Level 1 weapon.... and prepare to get One-Shot..... a LOT. WM will seem pretty useless to you then.

    Again.... simple Math.
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  15. Multiverse Creator League



    Does it help???

    But you do not "need" it.

    Once you have enough SP for WM.... you really do not "need" more.

    Any extra SP after WM is just gravy with sugar on top..... or something like that. ;)
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  16. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    yeehhhh that's what I ment :p
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  17. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    My thing was meant such as a dps with 108 cr and 80 sp will out dps a 100 cr 160 sp dps if they have same rotation and everything. I know that sp are important but the major stat boosts are in the gear and when you have atleast 80 sp you can get the WM crit damage from both sets of combos.
  18. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    SP provides increases in critical healing, attack, and power healing chances; and healing and damage magnitudes...These added benefits that come from higher SP are the bread and butter difference between a low SP player and a player with higher SP....

    I have gone into instances where players with higher gear did not out damage me simply because I have more SP that result in me having more critical hits....

    To ensure you get the most out of your toon, you should have a minimum of 121 to get all of your criticals and both WM with the stat increases...

    The kicker differences is that players with more than 121 SP can increase stats further providing additional benefits....
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  19. winter13 New Player

    I agree with everything you said except grinding for skill points being a waste of time. I never considered it a "grind" either. To me it is enjoyable.
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  20. Sorwen Well-Known Player

    Since you can mostly be carried through both CR and SP I really can't see how/why people try to equate either to skill.
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