Cr is more important than Sp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Silly Goose, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    In order of importance
    power type

    if you believe 190 SP makes you the greatest ever .... well being the best in this game is never definitive but getting better is much more achievable .... a simple game all together a person with 60 sp can be as eficient as a person with 170 depeding on the key factor listed above
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  2. Twilight Man New Player

    As of a few moments ago:

    I do believe we have a troll

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  3. Silly Goose New Player

    I'm about to respec to tank, though.
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  4. HazeTA New Player

    SP are a sign of experience and knowledge and with that comes skill. Give a player who has never played DC before your cr108 high sp main and spec only a few skill points for them and DPS against them on a much weaker alt and see how far cr gets them.

    Skill>SP(from an experience viewpoint)>CR

    I see this alot about certain feats taking no skill but, does exploration and races not help gain skill with your movement mode? Doing countless instances for styles, collections, base items and chests not give you more experience, experience that breeds skill at your role? All them merit feats can only be gained by playing instances aswel, does this not give a better understanding of game mechanics the more you run stuff?

    I'm on 190sp and I cant think of a single feat that has not helped me gain some degree of skill in some aspect of the game in one way. shape or form.
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  5. DC-Doll New Player

    PC toon:
    Gear: Full dps Amazon Strategos
    Skill points: 180
    Mods: Prec based with prec/might for reds
    Base precision: 2660

    PS toon:
    Skill points: 112
    Gear: full 94, 3 94 raid pieces
    Mods: Precision based, full prec on reds (3 prec experts)
    Base precision after prec experts are converted to into prec vi's?......2665

    Do skill points matter? You tell me.
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  6. rival exe New Player

    it shows they can get carried. are you okay carrying a player who got 150 sp by being carried? it doesn't show they cared. it shows that the other 7 people did the work for them.
  7. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    not more than CR put on full vestments and tell me what happens
  8. Gucciana Committed Player

    explain how exactly they were carried in your example 1 guy with 2 toons ran dox that same guy did the whole raid with the group and then swapped a toon out and brought his other toon for a feat how is that being carried ? it shows they know what they are doing
    being carried would be if that guy did the whole raid and then swapped in someone else for the gear and feat who wasnt apart of that raid for the get go
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  9. TrueOlympus New Player

    Agreed.... Also How did you make Simpson phase into the forum like that?! Awesome
  10. DC-Doll New Player

    The exact same thing. Somebody with higher skill points will havebetter stats than somebody else in vestments with less skill points. Better yet, let's remove all gear. Whos stats will be better?
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  11. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Well - my 71 cr 45 sp grandma outdamaged a 110 cr 210 sp by 5 million. True story. As far as you know...

    You can take your leaguemate and call it... errr... whatever you want. It's your leaguemate - of course you think sunshine is coming out of his backside (or at least you let it come across that way). But I'm not sure what an anecdote about something that allegedly happened once is supposed to prove here. That the fewer SP someone has - the better player they are? lol. Good luck with that logic.
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  12. Twilight Man New Player

    I know right? I didn't make it but someone out there edited the image so it blends well with whatever background posted on. I Googled it a year or so back and loved it since.
  13. rival exe New Player

    You can do that too though. Or better yet don't even make the guy switch. He can just stay at the first room the whole raid, especially if he's a dps. Even if he actually contributed it doesn't mean that he contributed enough to be considered not carried.
    Another example, the medic feat or the jor el feat from FOS2. With 7 overgeared people players can get carried through those feat not even being able to attack before everyone else burns the ads/boss for them. I feel like you're trying a bit too hard to believe that High numbers == beast player, even in the case when it's not.
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  14. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I've never let Skill Points define my characters capabilities nor should anyone else. Skill Points do mean something but CR means something too, not in the sense of just pets.. Honestly there really isn't a straight answer because it's a very opinionated question.
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  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I like earning skill points.... :p people that complain about it boggle my mind. So many people are in such a rush to be the highest CR possible so they can play the latest content - like their egos depend on it.

    Why would anyone want to play DLC 11 when they have not even completed DLC 1 yet....?
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  16. Gucciana Committed Player

    never once said high numbers equal beast player that is so far from the truth a good player is a good player a ****** player is a ****** player
  17. rival exe New Player

    and a good player does not mean more SP nor does more SP equate to better player.
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    About the only time my CR has matched my skill point totals is when I've just finished leveling a character to 30. Beyond that point, my CR is higher than skill point totals. Comes from running solo most of the time.

    I can still finish whatever content I'm running at a particular tier with minimal problems, and those problems usually result from a foolish mistake I made in combat, not from a lack of stats. Having extra points would help, no doubt, but from my own experience they aren't as necessary as some make them out to be.
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  19. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    This thread is CR is more important than SP not Equal CR and better SP equal some made up point IJS
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  20. Tule New Player

    Nothing mentioned in this thread really means more than the other. People usually lack one of these and then claim that is the thing that doesn't matter.

    I come in here with the mindset that I haven't truly played in a long time. I played hardcore up until Origin Crisis. Then took a break until War of Light, and then am still on a pseudo break now. I healed/dps the new content with half vestments and half raven gear. Because Im not bad, and because I have a 175 sp. Doesn't mean gear/CR is useless.
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