Cr is more important than Sp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Silly Goose, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Possibly but I'll still keep getting my SP just in case.
  2. inferno Loyal Player

    I eagerly await for the day when I see this thread reach 100 pages. and FameYack - Hubba! Hubba! Meow!!
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  3. Kharhaz Committed Player

    Like Religion.
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  4. Gigawyrm New Player

    They should change it to be called something else because you don't need skill to get max SP, you only need to waste a lot of time doing mind numbing grinding. I have 116 SP, I enjoy the game but I refuse to spend 20 hrs a week killing low level bullcrap just for an extra 100-120 might. Mad respect for those that do it, but scrw that noise.
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  5. Flightboy New Player

    I think it's probably best you left this argument because your last sentence is a contradiction of itself... Hate is a feeling and the fact / reality is high SP Toons will also have high CR. Common Sense would dictate that. (No I am not talking about people who took breaks or alts I'm talking about current active MAINS). Cheers dude it has been fun ;)
  6. HazeTA New Player

    The one that uses acro requires some skill to be gained in that movement. Next suggestion?
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  7. Forced Penance New Player

    only applicable if you use acro as your movement mode
  8. HazeTA New Player

    Point remains, skill is gained by doing it.
  9. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    The problem with this argument is that it is about the ability to enter content, not the ability to complete content. This means that (by this argument) CR is only more important than SP for content which the low CR person is locked out of. For content that both can accomplish, this argument holds no weight.

    It's honestly more simple than that. Judging them purely by what you get out of post level 30, CR is more important than SP because you get vast amounts more stats per CR point than per skill point.

    On the other hand, SP is going to be better correlated with experienced, skilled players than CR is, and this is why some people rather have people with high SP than high CR.

    Personally, I like people who communicate. So many problems can be solved via communication. Fun times to be had. Jokes to be shared. Lessons to be learnt.
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  10. RapidRay Committed Player

    27 pages of comparing apples to oranges.

    Each has it's own value. CR opens up content (hence better gear) for a player. SP opens up statistics through innates that enhance their ability to perform their roles.
    General rule of thumb...try to keep your CR/SP within about 10 or so apart so you have a balanced character for the level you're at.
  11. Toshknight Loyal Player

    i think 100 sp is a good ammount to have... with a high cr you can have 3 wm. and some of the stat bonus's under the wms.... i have a toon thats cr 106 and 107 sp.. and i run all the new raids fine as a troll
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Problem is, while that correlation might exist, more than a few people are seeing it as a tried-and-true,100% trustworthy fact when that isn't the case. There is no guarantee that a player with high CR and SP is going to be a skilled and highly valued player, nor is it an absolute given that a player with lower-than-expected SP totals is going to be a disaster waiting to happen for the group that takes them.

    I'm fully on board with you on communication, though. Thing is, between the action-oriented nature of the game and some of the behavior of players to begin with, that doesn't happen nearly as often as it should. It's a tough to communicate while in combat in the game, especially if you aren't using a headset or mic of some kind, and people just don't seem that inclined to actually talk to one another. I've been playing since a month after launch and I can count on one hand the number of times another player has talked to me before sending out a league or group invite.
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  13. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    And nor is it a given that someone with high CR will perform better than someone with low CR.

    Everyone has their own ways of deciding who they want to run with given no prior knowledge of that person. For some people it's only high CR, for some it's high SP, for others it's both. But like it or not, you can't force people to play with people they don't want to.

    After all, there is a fairly obvious fix if you don't want to be discriminated against for having low SP...