Cr is more important than Sp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Silly Goose, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    I do not mean the WM crit damage, I mean the crit magnitude/chance that is in the trees (non WM). On that note though, it still depends, I believe in some circumstances the 100cr could out damage the 108 if all the 108 has is WM. The 108 with wm will barely ever crit with WM attacks and when they do the crits will be small, while the 100 cr with 160 SP will crit a whole lot more often and those crits will be much higher. The one with more sp will have 15% extra crit chance, and 72% extra damage, not including armor mods.. which is an additional 5% chance.

    108 CR 80 SP = 5% extra crit chance, 0% extra crit damage
    100 CR 160 SP = 20% extra crit chance, 72% extra crit damage

    In this case the 100 cr will crit at least 1 every 5 weapon attacks, and that crit will be 72% stronger. Normal WM attack for 100 cr 1000, 108 is 1500. WM crit for 100 cr 10k range so that 10k becomes 17,200. Now the 108 may be critting for 12,000 total because higher stats(no extra cause no SP to spec into extra damage), but they will only do this 1 in every 20 weapon attacks.

    100 WM attacks for each person =

    108 CR = 12,000 x 5 + 1500 x 95 = 202,500
    100 CR = 17,200 x 20 + 1000 x 80 = 424,000

    Now obviously there are other factors to consider, such as damage via powers.. that and these numbers are not based on concrete stats. All that said though, it is just an example to show how much difference crit % increases can make even vs someone who has higher stats. I will say I went in game, comparing the exact same weapon attack with 2000 prec and 1000 prec and got very close results.

    2000 = 500 dmg - 1500 dmg (no crit)
    1000 = 300 dmg - 1300 dmg (no crit)

    With that comparison I would say that stats in my example were given more than enough of an advantage in their increase of damage to give the crit% a good challenge, and crit% more than doubled damage out.
  2. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If they are both equally skilled, the 100cr toon would never beat the 108 toon. Cr I
  3. Biester New Player

    Reading comprehension really helps when posting on threads.
  4. Multiverse Creator League

    The SP do have a purpose.

    There are essentially a time sink for players with wayyyyyyyy too much time on their hands.

    It takes lots of work for the Devs to make up Alerts and Raids.

    Takes no work for them to put a feat like "do 500 Alerts".
    The Alerts already exist. So NO extra work needed on the part of the Devs.
    But it will keep some players busy until the next DLC.
    Players will spend countless hours replaying Alerts over and over to reach the 500 mark for their feat that will give them their all "important" SP.
  5. Multiverse Creator League

    No need to find SP important to have any.

    As you play the game..... you will earn SP weather you want to or not.

    As you play and play and play.... at some point you will reach the 100 Alerts Mark...... then the 200 Alerts Mark..... then the 500 Alert Mark.... and all the Feats and SP that goes with running so many Alerts.
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  6. rival exe New Player

    Not exactly true. You can still use your powers if you don't have any skill points at all.
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  7. Kharhaz Committed Player

    Right. Sometimes you get feats that you were not even aiming for ! Has anyone played Deadpool? Right from the off you get a feat for doing nothing and he remarks "oh, its one of those games !". Thats how it is sometimes in this game, how many people have had to look at the feat they have got to see how they have got it ? Many times, it just happens.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i just got home and i checked the feat its called "Come at me" got it 2 years ago and didnt even know it...
  9. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Thanks, i try :cool:
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  10. Burnt New Player

    LOL You're a silly goose
  11. Raidxr New Player

    As much as people want to argue skill points dont matter, at the end of the day they do. Might not matter as much stat wise but if your cr 108 with 60-70sp you basically bought your way to that cr i feel like. Especially if you only play DPS, I have NO sympathy for you. Period.

    Theres no way you can run the content correctly all the way up to 108 and only have 60sp.
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  12. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    how many sp do you have, op? bet you're not even OP, lol.
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  13. Tanner Wade Active Player

    Sure as you play and play you will earn skill points, but to achieve say 100 sp, it will require some fear hunting.
  14. Mad9 New Player

    There is only a limited amount of players who would replay alerts over and over again to complete the grindy 500 Alerts feat. Some people prefer to obtain this feat simply by running only the current tier daily alert.

    Most people who complete the grindy feats will not go overly crazy over them to simply run content like zombies. I like to think that feat hunters are more consistent players who do their dailies more often than others.
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  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Sadly.... there are Feat Hunters that do run content like Zombies to try and have all the feats.

    Sometimes I will get invited by some of those who look for people to grind for various feats.

    Sometimes they want to grind the CC Bounties. Sometimes they want to grind Duos or Alert to get to their much wanted feat. Etc.

    I do not want to start to grind that way.

    I just play the game.... and once in a while.... If I see that I am a few bounties short to the next Feat.... I may decide to go "grind" for the handfull of Bounties that I am missing.

    But that is as far as I will go when it comes to grinding in DCUO.
  16. Multiverse Creator League

    Sure.... if you see that you are a few Bounties short of your next feat.... you might go "hunting" for that feat.

    Or if you see that you are still missing 3 locations to be done with Explorer Gotham.... you may go and "explore" those locations right away so that you can get them behind you.

    But you will do most feats while playing the game.

    For example the explore once more.... as you go around the cities doing missions.... you will do the explore feats pretty much by accident. Early on..... no need to go hunt for those feats.... they will mostly take care of themselves.

    Only towards the end when you have just a few left to do does it make sense to go hunt the last few locations you are missing.

    But some feat Hunters will go hunt those feats right off the bat..... as opposed to let most of them take care of themselves.

    Let's take another example... the speed feats. People will try to do them speed feats... and they will RAGE if somehow they do not get it right away.

    Instead of just waiting patiently for the day when they will come back to do the mission overgeared and will get the feat almost by accident.

    Some (many???) will actively hunt feats from day one.

    I prefer to just play the game.... and as I play..... SHAZAM!!!!!!!!!!!!...... the feats gets done on their own.
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  17. GDS Assassin Active Player

    OK... i am agree with you, that some players with hight cr are bad cause they have low sp, but what if player have a big cr and low sp, but in the same time they have experience in dcuo...? You guys should think about experiece not about sp or cr. I meet alot of ppl with big cr and sp, and they was just under the level of noobs. This dosent mean if one player have for example 150 sp is a good player or viceversa.

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  18. Mad9 New Player

    I started playing this game in 2011 and I would run feats when the content was current, e.g. CC bounties and other feats were completed when that DLC dropped when everyone was doing them everyday, little by little. I can't see myself going back to grind that feat ever and that too for a measly 10 SP. I am sure players who joined the game later would have had to grind it out but those that go out of their way to complete all possible feats not just have a lot of time on their hands but also seemingly much less to do on the outside ( again, this is not an assault on any no lifers, I have been one myself for almost an year spending almost 16 hours a day on DCUO and that's how I was able to manage SP on PC and PS).

    The only feats I have left are from the Current DLC and mostly the R&D feats. I am not rushing to get it all. I barely play more than 25 hours a week. If I can't do it little by little, I won't even attempt it. Just my take!
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  19. Mad9 New Player

    No, it really won't. If you play the content in the order in which it happened and don't simply rush and skip content to reach CR 108, you will at least have 100 SP by the time you reach tier 4/5.
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  20. winter13 New Player

    Not really....100 skill points is easily achievable by just playing all content as the devs intended, as you progress through the game. You don't really have to start feat hunting til you get to about 125-130.