Cr is more important than Sp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Silly Goose, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Now please dont take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to argue with you.

    If your dps and your role mainly depends on damage generated by WM then wouldnt you really need a minimum of 100 sp or you'd get the boot for being bad dps? Or am I off base here?
  2. SinestrosTaken New Player

    What an original topic.
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  3. ErnieB Loyal Player

    find me a group that did Lockdown with only CR 100 people.
  4. Radiohead New Player

    it is ridiculously easy to attain sp in this game now. If you don't care about your toon then who will?
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    WM in itself is its own can of worms since Might based powers cannot compete with it, but as of right now yes youd get kicked for not having WM, for now.... But as a healer tank or troll where pretty much you dont have anybody to compete against on the scoreboard as long as you manage, it doesnt matter the amount of SP you have
  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i have to solo heal lockdown as a cr104 94sp. I dont hunt for feats, i dont have interest in this games feat system since nothing feels like a achievement outside of Wave andd winning 10 pvp matches in a row.
  7. Tanner Wade Active Player

    For my hard light daps toon you are off base. But not very far off lol. I am "tier 6" but IMO I am still lacking big time in SP but have been holding my own enough to not get kicked since the first couple of times I ran one of the sunstone raids. For me that is when I got real I had to improve as player and didn
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    thats 1 of 2 problems

    #1 you lack the gear, because if you die quickly the defense on your gear is too low

    #2 you didnt know the mechanics and kept dying on the focused or burst aoe damage
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  9. ErnieB Loyal Player

    yet you have 94 sp, and did lock at 104, 4 levels higher than what the game requires, meaning you are smart enough to know just because the game doesn't specify something, doesn't mean its not needed.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    who said i ever waited to do lockdown, i did attempt at 100, i struggled but was managing for what i could do on the first boss, during the first week as a pure pugger, wipes are common and im not gonna sit there and only do 1 raid when i have 2 other available
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  11. DC-Doll New Player

    Exactly. I go for the crit percentages such as chance and crit damage first. My rule of thumb has always been to have at least as many skill points as your current cr, the more the merrier. However after weapon mastery, goal 1 is 43 sp for the combo, goal 2 is 112 to max out the crit bonuses, and goal 3 is to max your role stats (vit for troll, dom for tank, etc etc)

    Do you need 190 skill points? No. Does it help? Hell yes it does. Did the necessity of skill points increase after Wm came along? You bet!
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  12. DC-Doll New Player

    Necro and Artifacts raid time with pugs combined: An hour tops minus disconnects/people crashing.

    Lockdown time with pugs: Several days unless you get the ice artifact. Gotta agree with ya.
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    thank you :3
  14. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    I tried be a comedian, but didn't work! I am not good enough!
  15. TheVoiceOfReason Well-Known Player

    Just because in your opinions one ismore important than the other, it doesnt mean that the other is meaningless. The truth is both matter. Sp might not matter as much as cr especially the higher you go, but it doesnt mean sp arent important at all, because they are. For all you people complaining because most people require a certain sp level to run in their groups, that is nothing more than a preference that people prefer to run wIth and they have every right to do so if thats the way they want to play. Regardless of whether they are absolutely necessary or not, the bottom line is they onky help a player and certainly will not hurt one. If people earned them and have them and prefer to play with others who do well thatis their choice, just like the people who choose to play without doing sp's is their choice. But If you choose to play high level content with low sp's you have0 right to complain that peolpe won't run with you. Most people who aren't running things for the first few times just want to beat content as quickly as possible while dying as little as possible and while sp's dont necessarily equate skill and a players abilitty, more often than not its the best indicator we have and a person with a lot of sp will generally be better than some one who doesnt have a lot.
  16. Tule New Player

    I did read the whole comment. Try to comprehend the response before you respond. ;)

    You said the CR is only good for access. Meaning, it is only there as a passcode, after the door is open nothing matters. You said nothing about it being a baseline. So before you start acting rude how about you learn to express your thoughts completely in an intelligent way?
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  17. realTREDD New Player

    what about 50 kills in 1 arena?
  18. Multiverse Creator League

    You make a ridiculous comment... and you get surprised/offended at the reply you get??? Really???

    Does it really HAVE to be spelled out that you will actually WEAR your gear in an instance???

    Is there really anyone who will go into an instance and say.... "I think I will take off all my gear"???

    Does it really HAVE to be spelled out that if you reach 100 CR.... you will actually wear your 100CR gear??

    The exception to that would be if you go into an instance as a 100CR Healer....see that here are 5 Healers in the instance.... and then you may switch to your 90CR DPS gear.

    It happens often that someone will switch gear in an instance to gear that is LESS then the "baseline" gear if there are too many Healers or some such thing...... with NO mods often... because not everyone Mods their second set of gear.

    Why don't you think about what you just wrote instead of acting offended and blaming others?? :rolleyes:
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    8v8 with a premade team, cake
  20. realTREDD New Player

    im not asking how to do it, ive had it for 2 years. just saying it could be a challenge, and if you really want 1 dont premade it and achieve 50kills on your own.