Cr is more important than Sp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Silly Goose, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Ah yes, but the future looks bright, gotta wear shades.
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  2. NagaNakki New Player

    Here's the best example I can think of , off the top of my head.... a&b contains a simple feat for destroying the conduit in the boss room. It is not essential for success but once the conduit is destroyed, the fight becomes way easier. Why?because of the mechanic involving the conduit. Conduit up means possible wipe. Conduit destroyed removes the chance of a one shot wipe.....confrontation made easier and a feat. Ever try it without destroying the conduit, with everybody smoothed into one small area? Sure it's doable and technically faster if there is no snag. If being the operative word. I have tanked it both ways and now I tell groups I will only do it if the group destroys the conduit. Fewer snags, smoother fight
  3. Grumpy Dedicated Player

  4. iamlightning New Player

    Hmm well its like this your CR allows you run the content..but in reality when you were leveling your toon you recieved a sp every other level so essentially when you get a sp its like increasing your it is important to have sp its basically how you level past 30
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  5. Petralka Well-Known Player

    I personally think that SP represents the time you have expend in the game achieving feats, working together with a friend or a league and completing missions but as far as skill goes, nope! it doesn't make you a better player.

    P.s: One of my league mates has SP 150 and yet she still have problems when it comes to Dps like a lot :confused:, in conclusion sp does matter but not as the main thing :p
  6. LordStrongsword New Player

    I love your sig.
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  7. PspaceJason Well-Known Player

    I see these thread titles. Then I see how many pages they get to, and I wonder why people even bother.

    For something on topic, CR + SP = good.
  8. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    TBH PspackeJason I always thought the 2 numbers should be combined in some way.
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  9. PspaceJason Well-Known Player

    They could be. SP requirements for content could be made. However, that won't solve the issue of players not knowing how to properly play roles or be effective damage dealers. New players who get carried to current tier gear levels will simply get carried to however many SP they need to enter content. Might they pick up some actual "skill" from doing this? Possibly. But, it'd be no more than they'd get reading guides, watching videos, or running content with knowledgeable players.

    My actual opinion on which is "more" important depends on what tier, role, play style, and use of WM or AM.

    My initial comment was more of a jest at the lengths people will argue about SP without anybody changing their opinion. It's like arguing about politics.
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    the devs did not create this problem, the community did, the devs never said you need a certain number of SP to complete this content. The players injected that idea themselves, hell i got kicked out a artifact for my gear alone, a raid i have no issue healing...because of pure assumption. I refused to tell my resto or my cr because i dont planned be judged purely number value
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    you should try taking your own advice with this post
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  12. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Somethings outta whack there, maybe another reason you didnt know considering anyone that's willing to kick you over a resto number could have just looked at your gear to get a basic idea? Not complete without having a clue what your sp is.
  13. HardlineHero Committed Player

    CR and a person's playing skill matter more than skill points. However, skill points are needed for weapon mastery so SP is more useful now but it doesn't seal the deal for me. "Skill point" is a misnomer. Skill points should really be called feat points. Feat points can then be applied to the skill tree. There is no skill needed to collect styles or do a certain task for dozens, hundreds or even thousands of times. Skill points matter but not as much as CR or playing skill.
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  14. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    These threads crack me up lol. Used to be skill over everything. The Devs are trying to fix that by making even the weak feel powerful(gu36, wm, hand mod). Now I think its fairly even but I give the nod to sp. Not a huge difference between 107cr and 108cr. Not a huge difference between 180sp and 160. The difference is a high sp toon has done a lot more with themselves lol.

    The common misconception here is that there are a lot of low car high so toons. Due to feat sharing there are a handful of alts like that but they are a lot less common than a 108cr with 80sp. Let's face it, its easy to get a toon cr to end game level. Many toons with low so simply can't get 2 wm combos and get all the crits so they suffer big time. Those are the ones that give DPS players a bad name. Sp is showing that you are capable of completing tasks, which is a valuable trait to have .

    And quit saying its luck to get sp. Very rarely to you randomly que up and get a feat. Most of the time they are planned out.
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  15. ErnieB Loyal Player

    errm wrong, players asked for it, the devs delivered
  16. TroEL Dedicated Player

    I'm surprised a troll thread lasted 10 pages. Congrats everyone
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  17. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I have an idea, REMOVE SP FROM THE GAME, but do not change anything, yeah, screw loosing any stats, let the gear take care of that, and who cares about WM, we don't need it right?, forget about SP all together and just concentrate on CR, because any player can beat DOX as a fresh CR 86 with no wipes, and get EO too. (yeah wonder who's the first to say that it's possible and they did it).
  18. Tanner Wade Active Player

    Well I see your point but both of your toons have over 100 skill points so obviously you believe skill points matter.
    Skill points are not just about how much precision you have when using a precision heavy powerset. Skill points also have to do with survivability as well as crits.

    95 CR with 95 skill points won't have much trouble with content.
    95 CR with 50 SP will even have trouble with content that has 70 CR requirement .
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    tell me exactly where is their a SP requirement for ANY content
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i think its doable, however coordination will need to be ABSOLUTE