CR clamp Trigon Survival mode

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pults, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Pults Loyal Player

    As said above,clamp it. Survival mode should be brought after an episode not in the first half of it.
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  2. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

  3. VV Dedicated Player

    Interesting proposal.
  4. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

  5. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Hmm, well, I disagree. SM was originally designed for the "elite" so that they have something to challenge themselves after gearing up. SM is very challenging and clamping it would defeat the purpose.
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  6. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Agreed. However, recently there have been points in certain SMs that could not be beaten because of the gap in CR. Most noticeable is R14 with Oan. I haven't tested Trigon and I'm not aware of the starting gap in CR, but progress in an SM should be stopped because of a hard boss mechanic rather than simply a number making the boss(es) near or even impossible to tank. I hope Trigon will be fun and will provide a fair challenge. Only time will tell :)
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  7. Pults Loyal Player

    So the "Elite" players are those that paid on top of their subscription to progress faster in the game? Does that qualify as elite?

    I have gained a total of 275 skill points, I main as a fire tank, I mod only with VIII (and now Olympian) mods, I've participated in almost all Surival Modes and completed R10 on all of them as well gone a bit further in most. Do I deserve to be penalised for not having 190 CR in the first month of the episode?
    My tank is currently at 180 CR, I have 36k base health, 5,9k base dominance and 31k base defense.

    Do you know how big of a difference those 10 magical CR numbers make?
    I'm asking for it to be CR clamped, couldn't care less about anything else. I'm not requesting a stat clamp, I'm requesting an equal playing field that wouldn't benefit those that have excessive wallets and monthy paychecks that are bigger than my yearly income.
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  8. Pults Loyal Player

  9. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I really do understand how you feel, but I believe this SM will be up for longer than usual to eventually allow people to hit CR 190 or very close to that and still be able to partake in SM. If not, that would indeed be an awful move on their front. Clamping the CRs down now so people can go in at 180 will make it way too easy for those at 190. R20 would feel like what R10 is going to be, which just wouldn't fun.
  10. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    You have time to gain gear (and CR) before the next SM drops. I know after Thurday I'm going to be able to run the elite of both Oly and GoM and thus will be able to buy the next two pieces of elite gear within the next two weeks. That will bump my CR (185 atm, 188 overall) and keep me at the 4 elite bonus so that I can switch out some of my older elite gear. Not to mention every instance I run gives me a chance at OP collections so that I'm working towards those OP items. If you can't find a group to take you at your current CR (when it is enough to enter the instance) maybe you should make your own group.
  11. VV Dedicated Player

    The only stat is CR. True elites are skilled and not dependent on numbers. Someone who respects core mechanics of the game rather than finding exploits to make it easier. One of the major flaws with the current end game community. Flavour of the month powers - should never be a thing. Especially if people do multiple roles and take advantages of others. For example, I pick Van Gil ( Mtansas) for my SM and elite runs because he's electric. He uses wired which is +15% Might +15% crit buff. ( Killer instinct for 4 members ). No other power has a group buff that useful.

    SM is supposed to test player's eliteness in their SKILL and not stats. It's not a bragging right either. It's supposed to be fun. What destroyed it is the current system of stats determining player's competence and experience. I hear people with 280 SP saying stuff that makes no sense in raids. They ignore mechanics by letting their "OP" powers carry them with their gear.
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  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I hope that CR differential is removed before the next survival mode, that way skill gets incorporated back into SM.
  13. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Now relax, thinl about the part you wrote there and realize that this is the exact reason why Daybreak will NOT statclamp it. It's all about incentive to part with your money for virtual items, or - what's even worse but the current direction - just a tiny chance at gaining a virtual item, no matter if people can afford it or not. Because games are all about the business these days and it's widely accepted by the folks speaking up pro DCUO in the forums these days.

    Opt out, relax, stop caring and enjoy the idea that a number of those people will NOT enjoy Christmas because they maxed their parents plastic before parents were done preparing Christmas :D With some luck they even get taught a tough lesson over this, but that kind of parents is said to not be around any longer.

    DCUO is just a video game utilizing the rat race mechanic. Nothing in it is meaningful or "worth it" except for the fun you get out of the game (and just the game since you can "hangout" with friends in other games as well). If the fun is gone, the player should simply look for it elsewhere.

    And it's totally more important to spend hard-earned money on a great Christmas meal with the family than on replaying the same stuff once more. Or a lottery ticket for a shot at a piece of gear. For some games the only winning move is not to play at all.
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    It wont. They haven't even put the 3 powers content testing up yet.
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  15. bmce84 Loyal Player

  16. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Spot on again. Only problem is that CR does play a large part of translating that skill into results, especially in an SM environment where eventually the enemies will be so far ahead in that stat. You can be an amazing tank, but eventually without higher CR you won't be able to tank a certain boss because he just hits way too hard.
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  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I know and thats sad, but I believe mainly due to the power regeneration problem not being resolved. I dont expect the first part to go on test until January anyway.
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, I don't either. I also don't see it being launched in the normal 3 weeks after either. Most likely will be up longer than a month on test.
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  19. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    This thread & the responses really highlight what progression has become, or people's take on it anyways. Not so long ago it would have caused a frenzy, but there's lukewarm agreement & sympathetic disagreement.

    I'm sitting at 188 & have about 150 ancient coins. I don't know if the 2 pieces of gear I could buy with the coins could get me to 189, I don't even really care. I'm deciding whether to buy Elite Gear when I can or get regular for the style feat & I'm in no real rush to make up my mind, because it means next to nothing
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  20. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    lol nice answer i got a better on how about No.

    Seriously on a serious note nobody likes the fact we are clamp in the seasonal's what makes you think players are gonna love being clamped in SM?

    When we including myself get SP&Gear just to get into SM... being clamp would seriously take the grind&Fun out of SM.

    i already hate the Cr system being in there to include the Cr clamp... i wouldn't be running that thing at all cause it wouldn't be worth it.
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