CR 79 SP 86 Villain EUPS3 Healer looking for active league

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by KemistiOMG, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    so im looking for a league that has most game activity on daily reset time to do t3/t4 alerts raids, and also likes to pvp

    IGN: Kid Plague
  2. KemistiOMG Committed Player

  3. KemistiOMG Committed Player

  4. PhillipSealey New Player

    TotalDevastation this is a villain league on ps3 server requirements to join this league is CR 60 or higher and if you PVP at least haft T3 or FULL T3 once you join more details about our league will be re-least but our league we work mainly on getting you stronger but at some point in time things will come up and we will inspect you to go along with it but our goal is to become the greatest league and our members well known while your in the league you will meet of course me then coldhearted kitty,The Tallen,Oriole,Teranova they are the leaders of this league and they are great helpers also our league runs in squads based on your role so your rank will be set once you jump into the league and every 2 weeks there will be a tournament to decide the squad leader if you are squad leader within those 2 weeks it will be your job to help set up loadouts and get everyone within your squad stronger if you manage to stay squad leader 3 turns your rank will move above it but you will still be apart of that squad but you will be known as a league leader but if your squad hasn't been getting stronger under your command then you will get nothing but everyone in league will help even if there not in your squad we PVP AND PVE ALOT BUT MOSTLY IF YOU ENJOY KILLING HEROES THIS IS THE LEAGUE FOR YOU hopefully this can work for you
  5. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    us or eu?
    US or EU? because im EU
  6. PhillipSealey New Player

    oh didn't notice kinda new to this site its US
  7. KemistiOMG Committed Player

  8. KemistiOMG Committed Player