I respect that DCUO has variables, but running my alt and finally getting it to CR122 today. I run a duo, using ice, using the system that favors max damage output (though I consider that to be lackluster in terms of personal character building). First room in City Hall, I clear the room at least down to one or two yellow lanterns. The 69 cr sorcery comes in, kills the manhunter during the entry animation with the sorcery pet. I see the score card and I am left to wonder how I am even relevent. Running other misisons, depending on the power, I am either over the top (usually because of the pet), or under par, due to lack of a pet in the presence of other pets. In all fairness, I grief more because the scorecard doesn't seem to have a turn off switch, which often let's me know who is playing the tilted power set. I respect the SP variable. I respect the base generator varuiable. I am totally happy with the league hall variable. But damage disparity in powers is over the top. Not many grief on it now because there isn't much need to kick low level cr's anymore when they can last the needed 25 seconds it takes to run a T5 or higher raid. When I play a lower cr toon, I kinda expect I won't put out as much damage, heals, or power. But when a low cr toon can come in and sweep the place during cut scenes without any fighting involved in some instances, and makes it very clear there is no need for this to even be a group mission, the mechanics of the game have floundered. Games are challenging. Games are fun. There is nothing fun about the scorecard letting you know you are useless. When I am that other person, and that stuff happens, I don't enjoy that either. I feel awkward, like that doesn't seem like it should have quite gone that way. Aside from overall dislike of the scorecard popping out when I'd rather turn it off, the overall imbalance of damage output in this game is extreme. I don't understand why this has never been fixed, but instead has constantly been "updated" to rotate the preferred powers to get this kind of benefit.
Don't look at the scorecard leave that for the number chasers who have to earn trophy shots to bring home to mom so they can be proud of the video game achievement they received. Besides all these issues are being attended to with the and after the release of stats matters.
Rule to top dps charts, hit first. Ice is sustained damage. Pet classes are burst damage. Pet classes will do better than any class if they are above CR, even if slightly. If you can't hit anything, you can't do damage.
Actually right now there are no variables, it's all set, Pet powers are stronger over most and SP means nothing, but a 69 can't beat a 122. You are either not using then right rotation or trying to take shortcuts with your damage. It is funny to see someone complain about a lower CR, later the Sorcery will complain that a 122 is ruining his experience lol.
Oh yeah or that, you took too long to attack, the guy was within his CR range so he wouldn't have had issues killing adds anyway, he just did it first.
So there's 2 issues here. 1) The fury came in during cut scene and nuked the place correct? Yeah that happens, and it kinda sucks I wish it wouldn't. 2) This is the part I don't get, so please explain if I'm missing something. You @ 122 / Sorcery @ 69cr (difference of 53 CR) should have pretty much been 1 shotting everything with AG. The fury is good for 1 or two big hits, but with your AM AND CR differential this doesn't sound right. Especially since 1/2 the time fury goes pulse beam or just plain misses. I will agree with you, that that could take the fun away from the instance and that's not good. I will also say that at this time even with some buggy powers this is the closest I've ever seen in respect to power damage capabilities game wide. Sure, some are front loaded like PET AM, some are back loaded, yours is instant on. Just be glad your not trying to run Dots man...that's painful
The Bad One says the scoreboard is need to expose garbage players to the world. The Iron is a proud scoreboard chaser and enjoys make people feel horrible about themselves when they think just because they have a higher cr that they should come out on top but they fall to the greatness that is The Bad guy. If a person is almost double the cr level than the other person and takes a loss, then it is time look at your self and admit you are not as good as you think you are. It is about skill and the drive to win.
If you're looking at the scoreboard in a duo...you're doing wrong...you're doing ALL OF IT WRONG. Duos are THE absolute WORST content in game to do damage comparisons. All powers fall into certain categories. You have front-loaded burst powers (like Earth & Sorcery), you have sustained burst powers (like Ice and Munitions), back loaded burst powers (like Mental and Gadgets), and then there's the underperforming Damage Over Time [D.O.T.] powers (Electric and Nature). Because of how these powers generally function, some will do more damage initially, especially when dealing with adds. The other powers almost always catch up on boss fights. Now, the name of the game is DPS...Damage Per Second. Whoever gets to adds first and attacks fastest will usually get the bulk of the damage numbers. If you're running a duo that is not at tier, whoever gets their attacks out first will always get the higher score (and leave nothing for the other player). That's the way it's always been, and the way it will always be even after stats revamp. Duos are not raids...they aren't even close to alert level. The golden rule always applies...the early bird gets the worm. Now that we've addressed that...why the hell do you even care about what's happening in a duo??? A freaking Duo??!!!?? Why are you not content with getting the damned thing done and over with??? Why are you looking at the scoreboard in a DUO?????????? I'm sorry for my mocking tone...but this kind of thinking is EXACTLY what's wrong with this community and game as whole. I get chasing the scoreboard in a raid to a certain degree (think fun competition, not my life only has meaning if i'm top DPS), but scoreboard chasing in a DUO????? I'm just gonna leave that right there...don't want a forum vacation. The only REAL problem I see in the situation you've mentioned is Fury (or any other pet) doing that kind of damage during a cut-scene...and it's not because I think it's unfair to get more damage out. I worry about that because of potential glitching of content, forcing everyone to have to re-queue. Outside of that, I find it hilarious to see pets hard at work.
Oh yeah....the other reason why this hilarious thread is unnecessary...there's a stat revamp that's being worked on. All powers are being looked at and damage across the board is being evened out. Writing this NOW is rather pointless since the Devs are well aware of the disparities and they are already working on things. Nothing will be buffed or nerfed at any point since the stats revamp is supposed to take care of these issues.