Any plans to incorporate this into DCUO? It's an interesting story and would fit in well with DCUO lore. We could have villains being brought into the fold as Talons or as a member of the Court. I think this could be a fun story arc.
I'd love it if we got this along with a briefing for a court mask and Lincoln Marsh's owl man suit as an iconic armor set
No not leave him out nut relegate him to damsel in destress while more focuse is put on the batfamily maybe even introduce an in game Jason Todd or red robin
As I remember it the court of the owls and the talons don't care if your hero or villain they only seek what's in their best interests and the talons don't discriminate who they seek to destroy, some what like the league of assassins, a villainous group that even the villains have to take down.
not a fan of all the content that has villains fighting villains. we need content to make us real villains, taking down heroes.
A large majority of your content is though to a degree largely you'd still beat down heroes and cops but the talons are a mutual treat and atm I can't think of a heroic equivalent to the talons unles we get a convoluded sub plot about idk the bat soldiers from the rebirth story or Olli or Bruce becoming the new demons head and directing the Loa to fight the talons because as is cops and swat will not cut it nor will rank generic heroes that are supposed to represent the players, looking at you chilled milk
Tired of mutual threat content. I want unique content. Hero vs villain. Black and white. Evil vs good. Point blank. I want to fight along side trigon to destroy the world. I want to team up with reverse flash to mess up the timeline. I want annihilate the universe in darkseids name. These are what real villains do.
They should release a dlc pack where half of the story is the villains winning and the other half is the heroes taking them down in the final battle. Like an actual episode of justice league
I think the days of having unique instances for each faction are pretty much over given the current content creation resources. Best you can hope for is some reordering and cutscene tweaking like in the gotham city sirens content. And pretty much every hero-centered instance they stick the villains in (i.e., everything else).