Counter Mechanics are Broken in PvE

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Scott Zyur, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Yup you can't still use your weapon attacks too even when your knocked down. All this needs to be fixed.
  2. Scott Zyur New Player

    Really really tired of being block countered by adds that i am not even targeting. These mechanics are so broken in PvE it's not even fun. Please address these issues devs.
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  3. surge914 New Player

    Oh man they have been broken since they've been introduced in PvE. I hope the fix is to get rid of them.
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  4. Dead_Corps New Player

    and for a real challange do the Dr Freeze duo in Gotham Mercy Hospital. Oh what a joy. I think if I ever start recruiting for my League I will make them solo this while I watch. I have seen full T4 go down in this Duo before. LMAO

    Lower NPC can be punished 100% while anything above that can walk straight through your attempts at punishing them.
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  5. Incognitosmoke New Player

    Yes, this needs to be fixed. I find myself using 3 or 4 different weapon moves that should break blocks but nothing happens, and yes with full supercharge. It works like 1 out of 20 times, but the npc's break my block every single time and it is very annoying. Doing a move that should knock them down same thing, works like 1 out of 20 times but they get me every single time.
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  6. oF1RESTARo New Player

    I would like to see this fixed also, or removed entirely. When they nerfed Nex and added more mechanics it became less fun as a tank to spend boss fights on my back. 4 Lex's doing all different mechanics leaves Tank on floor! Since the addition of the icons i have noticed incorrect mechanics as stated by those before me. If they get block icon I should be able to break but alas another broken part of playing DC that we must live with! :sigh: up vote
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  7. Snafui New Player

    Add a delay to NPC reflexes and a lot of this might go away.

    Because it's clear that NPCs respond to moves by a player while the player is holding the key to attack but before the player has started their animation. So why not give the NPCs a delay to their reflexes?
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  8. Lyndi Well-Known Player

    Another problem with this as stated before is when you are targeting one add and another one nearby is blocking, you get punished for bleed damage. Also I am getting real tired of NPCs that can use tap move indefinitely without being countered while we are punished on the third hit even if it's not a combo (and this while they are NOT "immune").

    The NPCs taking only 1 damage while they are blocking needs to go as well. If they can do more than one damage to me while I am in block then so should they.

    Another problem I see with this system is the breakout key. It is the same as the block key. If I am stunned or controlled or encased and I tap... I said tap mind you, the breakout/block key to breakout and another add is doing block breakers while I am breaking out, I am countered as if I was IN block and not breaking out. The block/breakout key needs to be separated into two different keys.

    The reason given by the Devs that bosses and lieutenant type adds have longer immunity protection is that iirc has to do somehow with defense and armor penetration as compared to us. This needs to be fixed as well. You want to balance it out? Then set their immunity to the same length as ours and give them more health. I am getting tired of bosses and lieutenant type adds immune for whole fights because of pets or the occasional mistake made by a teammate.

    my 2 cents worth.
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  9. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    It's more hilarious that a dev hasn't responded to this thread when this is a big issue. I can't count how many times I tried to blockbreak npcs only to find out I'll get countered as if I'm a noob. I'm using a bow and both combos that allow you to block break won't even have effect. Not to mention also getting blocked stuck
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  10. TheChromeKnight Well-Known Player

    I find this to be the most frustrating part. The begin to counter my counter before it activates.
    The most glaring situation I've seen is the entire Gotham Warehouse T2 solo challenge. That entire instance is spammed counters. All the Devs need to do, is play it once to see. Catwoman is perhaps the worst offender of countering the player's counter before it activates.

    If they can't make the NPC's have the same mechanics as we do, then they should remove the mechanics in PvE altogether.

    That's how I feel about it.
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  11. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I have had npcs block counter me for using normal powers on them.
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  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yeah, I get lunge countered when casting a lot. Are powers that have a casting time considered the same as using range weapons? Are there some powers that can be blocked with a block counter as SilverBullet mentions?

    Is there somewhere where the counter mechanics have been broken down by the developers so we can determine what is and is not working as intended?
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  13. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    The counter mechanics are broken. I do blame the developers. We would have to be developers to know that. This should be more of there job to find a solution not the community.
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  14. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    weak attacks that are not suppose to be block countered are getting countered. Ranged attacks from the bow just tspping range is getting countered. 1 last thing I won't be surprised if this don't get this fixed just like all kinds of bugs in the game. Do the developers really know how to get this game to work properly?
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  15. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    no problem bro, 1 vs 3 Rock-Paper-Scissors mechanic kinda gets in your nerves. :(
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  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Some issues I've noticed lately that get on my nerves:
    1. I can be lunged by an NPC from 20 feet away, even if the MPC runs into an object that prevents it from reaching my space when the lunge takes place.
    2. I can be lunged by an NPC even if I am in block stance if I had been using ranged weapons prior to hitting block.
    3. I can be block broken by an NPC or lunge countered by an NPC even if I stop everything I was doing assuming the last thing I was doing was blocking or ranging respectively.
    4. NPCs can go from block to lunge faster than we can (not talking about a feint)
    5. NPCs can go from an attack combo to block breaker faster than we can (not talking about a feint)
    6. NPCs can go from a block breaker to block faster than we can (not talking about a feint)

    Ah, now I understand the problem. The NPCs are using Lizard and Spock while we are only allowed to use rock, paper, and scissors. They have a different set of rules.
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  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club


    7. Retribution at the Cathedral: Jack feinted block, then lunged. I lunged at the same time, and I was countered by his lunge? A hand blast lunge is considered a range attack? Really? That is so fracking broken.
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  18. Mack10 New Player

    The NPC ability to switch from block to block break instantaneously does get annoying. It's like they have a block-breaking, block breaker block. And good luck watching for the vulnerability symbol that either isn't there or is obscured by text, numbers, effects, and distance or switches the instant you make a move that would have been effective.

    I actually like that counter mechanics exist, but there needs to be a bit more parity. Recent adjustments have made it more like throwing dice than rock-paper-scissors. Whether you succeed in a block counter situation is based more on luck than skill lately, kind of defeating the purpose of having these mechanics in the first place.
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  19. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I've also noticed there seems to be some lag issues with the counter mechanics, and I don't think it is internet lag since others I've spoken to are experiencing the same. I'll be ranging, then I'll switch to block. Somehow, a lunge still knocks me down as if I am still ranging.

    Interestingly, I was blocking, saw the NPC had stopped its combo, and I lunged as the NPC started its range attack. We both got countered at the exact same time. The NPC's block breaker countered my previous block while my lunge countered the block breaker. I do not think that is working as intended.
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  20. Mack10 New Player

    It's like the AI has gotten an automatic, permanent move priority boost. It's not accounting enough for network latency in lag estimations. The effect is that the NPC's moves are interpreted into the game engine too soon relative to the player's, resulting in things like:

    At least it seems that way to me, a layman at best.
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