Could we please have old episode elite/collection base items added to cheetah?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LeatherJacket25, Oct 19, 2022.

  1. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player


    I am desperate for 2 crime bible replicas and a few hex appeals. I still believe they don’t actually exist and y’all are just trolling me. I’ve managed to nab other episode elite drops from the broker but am always searching for these two items and have never seen them.

    With the new base item format on Cheetah I feel it’s doable. Even if they aren’t tradable or anything.


    Or I would buy them with real money.
    An elite base items box on marketplace or even on Dr Fate Vendor, that gives random ones, please.

    All the begging and pleading, please.
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  2. Achikah All About That Base

    +1. All for this idea, have been for some time. Awhile ago, I proposed adding them to Cheetah much like the T1-3 pets in Chang Tzu- if you have the headlines for Elite content you can buy the elite furniture for a high Source Mark price tag.

    Simultaneously, another thought- add a new mark to all EEG elite raids and allow for all the RNG pets/trinkets/elite furniture drops to be bought with said mark. Since it's DLC drop, I know someone who runs ZOOe almost every week (sometimes more than once now with the Omnibus' loot system in place) and has yet to receive the Manbat Commandos. I personally have run FBe 5 times in a row without a single elite furniture drop too. The probability of these happening is insane and yet it still happens somehow.
    Of course, everything would need to be high priced to make up for the RNG scaling, much like Quarks with Booster Gold, but at least a system would be in place to let people have a bit of control over the randomness of the drops.
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  3. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    I’m here for anything that helps me get these items, however, I hope, I hope I won’t need the headline part.

    The reason I can’t grind for these items is I can almost never get into Fellowship, and have never even been able to get a group even started for Shattered Gotham, (I imagine it’s mostly due to the platforms) but if there’s a headline requirement, I’ll still never get them. Haha.

    But I’d understand if there was some sort of requirement like that.

    I got a large oracle display (that’s elite right?) from a omnibus reward cache recently so I’m holding hope that I’ll get these jld items one day soon from there if I can’t play these instances enough.

    I like the elite marks idea, but still I’ll have trouble getting into the content, and then the SGe headline is still unattainable at this point.

    I think the Dr Fate vendor is my best idea, it could cost a yellow currency or two, or a few hundred blue ones, and give us random choices.
    Fingers crossed.
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  4. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Ppl barely run those anyway and most people don't care for base items like we do, so I don't think it'll be a issue nonetheless. I'm all for it!
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  5. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    So… the Dionesium Display is a collection reward from “Batwoman’s Research” from Metal Part 1 yeah?
    And so far I have not found it anywhere to buy, except the broker, BUT it says on its info thing that it costs “5 x Source Marks”?

    Is this request in the process of happening? Or did it always say this and is just still wrong?
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