Could we get an option to buy a mentor change for Augs Style?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by CTG Gamez, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. CTG Gamez New Player

    I literally played this game for 5 years only choosing meta for all my alts coz that's just what I thought was cool, also I personally preferred Superman as a mentor over Batman or Wonder Woman.

    I know this may seem like an insignificant thing. But the augments change style based on your mentor. and I honestly want to change the way my augments look to me, so they are more aesthetically pleasing. I have learned that I prefer the look of the Augs on Tech to those on Meta.

    I want to change my mentor in order to change my Aug styles. And I am even willing to buy this change like a name change or power respec token.

    @Devs Please consider this.
  2. Skoll Well-Known Player

    Sounds like a lot of work for nothing for the devs. Also, this is the wrong section of the forums to post this type of request in.
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  3. CTG Gamez New Player

    I personally think anything worth the company making money would be of value to them, we all know how pay to win DC is.
  4. KillahBags Level 30

    Honestly all the ability loadouts, augments and images need a facelift
  5. Limey Committed Player

    But there's a cost versus reward ratio aspect of business that you are and most players are woefully unaware of. Spending months creating the tech just to change mentors just so 10 people can buy a $3-5 token to change mentors because they want different augment icons or to run the like 2 low level mentor missions that someone else could easily just walk them into simply isn't worth the invested time.

    Plus, if you truly believe DCUO is 'so pay to win', then you kind of answered your own request. Mentors don't win anything, so it's not worth doing.

    BTW, this is the test center forum. It's for feedback on test center content, and is the wrong place to suggest ideas for new things, regardless fo how poor of a business decision they would be.
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