Hey everyone and welcome to the new forums! I posted this a while back on the Old-Forums' "Unified Powers Discussion" and I'm simply looking for some feedback on the idea. I personally think it's cool; I don't see it happening, but I like the idea... All replies are welcome and post your own ideas for cosmetic upgrades! Maybe your voice will be heard.
I'd personally just like to see the electricity effects to super speed removed. I find them distracting and awkward.
I'd like to see an even faster mode than super sonic, maybe based on attaining a certain level of skill points it becomes an innate without costing anything.
I like the idea and the terriffic tumbler mod is somthing like it. It allows you to move twice the ususal distance with a dodge-roll and does some damage - and it looks badass. I think it would be possible to add some mods, that cause a movement-bonus that is not movement-power-related. Maybe for flight something like a dash upwards when pressing numlock. For Speed a dash forward when pressing numlock or something that changes the dodge-roll as well. Till HomeTurf I liked Acrobatics, but now I really love it - all because of the terrific tumbler.
I agree, the fact that there are still only 3 travel powers is a bit of a let down and frankly i doubt people want to pay for reskins, but i would LOVE if they added a way in game to get mods and such as drops or crafting that let you change the visual effects of the travel powers. More so if they gave you the above mentioned passives like dodging further with Acro and such.
I think it's a pretty good idea, making use of the supersonic mode's button. It feels like it's being wasted. Also, it'd be nice to give unique flight animations to different power types. Like gadget types getting a jet pack whenever they're about to fly, fire types propelling themselves with fire, etc. Or it could be done for the three power types (meta, tech and magic). It would make more sense. And one last thing, remove the electricity effect for super-speed. It's distracting.