Corrupted Zamaron Hard KNocks Feat

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Belthazur, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Me and my partner got the feat at the same time last night. the glitch would seem to be inconsistent.
  2. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    Just to add my experience to this, I'm an HL partnering with a sorcery player. We ran the duo twice, even going so far as to remove all consumables and supercharges from our load outs so we didn't hit them by accident. He got the feat on our first run; I didn't get it on either one.
  3. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Just to add I've been able to get the feat for everyone I have played with so far if they followed the guidelines and did not already have it. I was always first in the room, first to activate cutscene, first to engage and usually had boss aggro through the majority of the fight. In neither of those runs did any of them use the healing barrel though I had all sorts of pets active.

    That must have happened at least in the realm of 10 total times. So my question would be did anyone use a healing barrel and not get the feat? It was never used when I was able to help get someone that feat.
  4. Mega Chiroptera Well-Known Player

    I've run this with a leaguemate the past two days, neither of us hitting the sc or any consumable/trinkets (though I had already gotten the feat, so I'm pretty sure I could have used mine).

    He did not get the feat either day, and we communicated the entire way through. I didn't see him use a single consumable. Only thing I will say: both times we had just gotten out of raids where omega compounds were dropped. Could this consumable and its 30 minute, death-defying buff be screwing with the feat? Just a possibility.
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  5. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    I didn't get the feat either. No supercharge or consumable used.
  6. JackFrost Developer

    I did test consuming Compound Omega before entering the duo, and it should not affect getting this feat. If it's consumed while in the duo, it'd fail the feat.

    Also, heal barrels shouldn't affect this feat.
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  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    This feat should have popped for me twice now, both times my duo partner got it but I did not. I removed all consumables and supers before starting. usps
  8. JackFrost Developer

    Sorry about that. The fix I submitted should hopefully be out to the Live server soon.
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  9. Mega Chiroptera Well-Known Player

    Yup, I used a barrel during my first run through it and I got the feat, but good to know about the Omega. He has yet to get the feat even after removing utility belt and wasting SC before entering the duo. Hoping to try again tonight, but if not I'm sure he eagerly awaits the fix haha.