Controller dilemma

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by KemistiOMG, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    So i'm about to start working on my third real character as a controller, but since i'm very unfamiliar with the controller power sets and i'm most interested about mental and quantum. As controller what are the pros and cons of these two power sets? any info would be nice.
  2. GreenNGo Well-Known Player

    Pros- really great stuns and crowd control
    Cons-very power costly

    I've only played as a Gadgets and Hardlight troller and have yet to try out Mental. But I do know that Quantum has those things going for them.
  3. Sore Steadfast Player

    The Quantum stun seems broken and hold NPCs helpless excessively long. Quantum Tunneling is fun and useful but can be tricky when you just want a shield/aggro drop to secure a cog. Positioning factors in. I've never trolled HL or Gadgets but I REALLY like Mental trolling. Horrific Visage is great for ghosting NPCs. Grandeur is that simple aggro drop. Terror Tendrils blow up objects quickly. Jumping over to DPS is straight forward.
  4. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Mental and Quantum use a similar PI function with casting powers. Both you inflict one type of PI and another power can capitalize on that. Both have great stuns. Both are good powers and both return power using the same mechanics(all troll powers do).

    Has strong stuns. Has a teleport aggro wipe shield. Has good range and melee options lending more versatility with weapon choice. Burst power damage. Fast animations. Has a pull in the power tree.

    Some of the best CC powers are DoTs and are used by Quantum DPS(overwriting). Mostly burst damage and fast animations so it can be power hungry. No encasement options. Aggro Drop will teleport so it can be more annoying for pick ups or more awesome.

    The most group CC's of all troll power sets. Very versatile you can play with encasements and break them or none, has a stealth option, Its finisher is a damage debuff and single target PI applicator. Good shields. Mostly Burst/DoT. Has the only transmorphic power of troll powers.

    It's DoTs can be overwritten by a DPS(this affects some great large group powers). Slower animations than the other troll powers. Not amazingly slow but clipping with Power Dumps will speed things up. Doesn't have a lot of melee range options(most powers can be used in melee but are built for mid - far range).

    Those are some of the pros and cons. Both powers are good. The choice is more going to come to what color you like better and small things like do you want an encasement or a teleport. Do you want an aggro drop that keeps you in place or not. Do you want a transmorphing power or not. That will help with your decision some.
  5. Killuminati New Player

    Both are really awesome, I'm gonna go outside the box with why I would pick one over the other. Mental is very purple and its animations are very similar, that got kinda old for me. Quantum in my opinion has some awesome animations and they never get old. If your gonna be staring at a character for hours on end these little things matter. To me anyway. If I had to nit pick one thing about quantum it would be I hate his recharge move in troller stance. Guess I am too use to the way Gadgets looked. Even the p.o.t. moves seem kinda slow compared to sticky bomb. Oh well that's the only negative, and I had to really reach to find one
  6. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    That's true I noticed the PoT right when I first started using it. It is faster animations overall then mental and the two powers are very similar and both good. The color choice and animations will probably be one of the bigger deciding factors(lol).
  7. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    Thanks all for this info i guess i still test both and see what suits me better
  8. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    Better make a 4th character if those are your choices!!