contmeporary back

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NoWorries121, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    what are the possible names for this style? im trying to find one in broker if ones in there
  2. NexGenX New Player

    Google the styles database. They have the possible drop locations and the roles the styles drop under. As well as their names
    • Like x 1
  3. AlwaysFumbles Well-Known Player

    You can go to my tool here:

    Click on Load Example Combat Log
    Then select Armor Database from the drop down menu.
    Click on the Style hyperlink to sort by style name and scroll down.

    It says:

    Techsuit Power Source……...Healer Back…...Contemporary Tech..Scarecrow, Bane in Tier 5 Challenge The Hunt
    Alloyed Synthium Backguard..DPS Back……...Contemporary Tech..Micro Security Bot in Oolong Island alert
    Mantle of Command………….Controller Back..Contemporary Tech..Penguin in Old Gotham Subway duo
    • Like x 3
  4. The_DriveBy New Player

    This is probably the single greatest thing to ever happen to this game. An actual datamine! The fan sites and database sites are so incomplete it is ridiculous. I've been so pampered by when playing world or warcraft that not having a good datamine site for DCUO has driven me CRAZY. Please tell me this is actively being added to on a regular basis!
  5. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I don't know the name of the item.
    But it drops from the Joker-goons around the Clayface bounty and from the adds in the last building in Oolong island low-lvl-alert.
  6. Lazarux New Player

    You Sir, are my Hero! Why did I not know about this before!?!