Here are a few suggestions That randomly came to mind See anything you like or do you have other Ideas for new additions? Consumable Weapons 1. Bouncer Cannon; Ammo X2: Basically those guns the NPC's have outside of police stations/nightclubs, Bounce away enemies at far distances, can only target one enemy at a time. 2. Bazooka; Ammo X1: Explodes on contact knocking down and stunning enemies surrounding the target. 3. Remote-Control; Ammo X1: Stand at a safe distance and take full control of your drone/pet, ) 4. Freeze ray/rifle; Ammo X5: Freeze enemies within a block of ice and slow their movements. Other Minor Additions 1. Interchangeable Weapons: Every Weapon should have "change weapon" skill that can be added to the load-out, or better yet select two weapons for a toon and be able to switch between them, 2. Super Pets: Superman has Krypto, Batman has Ace, Humans aren't the only one affected by the Exobytes have this available in base? 3. Grapple/special: Based on movement and power, basically press "O" or "e" on a stunned opponent to perform a special technique.(sort of, animation is different for movement but effects depend on power and role) 4. Iconic Powers having a secondary role: Speaks for itself (ex. Batarang; Controller Role: Restores power to group. *Will go into more details below* 5. Vehicles: Comes in 3 types Land, Air and not sea (how often have you played on water?) Land Vehicles include; Cars, Trucks, Air Vehicles include; Helicopters, Vehicles can have weapon and armor upgrades and can hold up to 4 players 6. Different weapons for range and melee: Basically one weapon for ranged another for melee. (ex. One handed for melee & shield for ranged, Rifle for melee & dual pistols for ranged) *Ok first off I know this one may never, ever, ever come to light especially since any super-strength fool can toss it or smash it... if they can catch it. So that's it any of you guys have more suggestions?
No more consumables. We're supposed to be super heroes/villains who use their inherent skills, and abilities. Sodas are bad enough, and now they have this extra garbage that ruins concepts. Not to mention all these ridiculous rent-a-mods. The game is getting worse, and not better.