Keep at it. I think after like 5 tries I was able to get into my main and then warp to HoL w/o issue.
FIY: do not try to warp to doomed metropolis, you won´t be able to log back in. Only on a character that is not on that zone. Also Mepps, the game has had this type of issues quite frequently since 2021, hope it gets better.
Still can't connect. Was kicked when tried to warp, and now I'm always getting disconnected after selecting my toon... Guess will have to play Lost Ark then ♂️
I was fine even as my leaguemates where having issues... then I tried to warp to my base and now I can't get in.
Seems to be DisConnect Universe Offline today, i DCed probably 8 times in 1 hour doing dailies today. US/PC
Say it like is a recent "issue" is somenthing players experienced time ago, more since the last DCL, don't see this game gonna be in-playable in a near future, know is hard to optimize a so old game, but MUST DO IT, if not, ur very old harware gonna colapse, and gonna loose toons of money from the few dumb *** like me who still put our money here, after 10 years, my gosh, no need better graphics, need a real optimization and better hardware and software, a modern ones.
Oceans started on Xbox then went to Switch and EU. She couldn't do it on US because US is the server that has all the issues.
The memory leak has been here for YEARS and is likely never going away. I'd recommend using something like Intelligent Standby List Cleaner, and set a threshold for clearing the standby memory so it doesn't keep hogging all the RAM -
I get that things happen. Can we extend the Double Doom Marks for a week or two because of the issues? Thats all I really want lol I've got 5 toons im building
I'm hoping for this as well, an extension to the bonus week. Was ready to get some extra tokens the past couple days and today.
Ugh this is really bad when people have work schedule's. I have to say this company has to come up with a solution to reimburse time that was missed.
Did you guys change the Daily Maintenance time or does this delay has something to do with DDoS attacks? Haven't done a single raid in last 3 days. League has been waiting to do feat runs and we couldn't. People are quitting DCUO permanently because of long downtimes and maintenances.
I really hope the people responsible for dropping the server with their stupid hacks get promptly kicked in the dick.
The same problems as yesterday. Can’t log in. It still says maintenance but the server status is up. Will the bonus week be extended for those of us that can’t log on to just do dailies?