Confirmed by Spytle! :)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Splinter Cell, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    The first boss in Operation: Artifacts of the Past, Donhamar the Defiant. It is NOT an exploit to trap him in a location of the Observation Room, to keep him away from his fallen Dregg army. In fact, it's considered a legitimate strategy for those who don't feel ready to take him and his entire revived army on at once.

    The following is a conversation I had with Spytle, via Twitter:


    1. [IMG] Splinter Cell@SplinterDCUO 22m
      @Spytle Hey, would you consider keeping the first boss in the Artifacts op. away from his fallen minions an exploit? Or strategic gameplay?

      11:05 AM - 12 Aug 2014 · Details
    2. [IMG] Jens Andersen@Spytle 13m
      @SplinterDCUO have you checked the feat list?
    3. [IMG] Splinter Cell@SplinterDCUO 10m
      @Spytle Yeah. Saw that one. Just wasn't sure, like until players feel ready for it, if you considered it an exploit to keep him away. JC
    4. [IMG] Jens Andersen@Spytle 9m
      @SplinterDCUO not at all.

    5. [IMG] Splinter Cell@SplinterDCUO 8m
      @Spytle Cool beans. I figured as much, but some people felt it to be so and wanted them to feel comfortable doing so if they so wanted. :)

      11:19 AM - 12 Aug 2014 · Details

    6. [IMG] Jens Andersen@Spytle 6m
      @SplinterDCUO make it so.
    So there ya have it, feel free to corner him or whatever you can to keep him away from his fallen Dreggs if you don't feel you can achieve the Walking the Dead feat just yet. :D Happy gaming!!
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  2. hoaxone Committed Player

    Thought this was common sense since its a huge open room.....
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  3. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    Apparently, some people were concerned that it was cheating the fight. I, personally, thought this was a welcomed strategy in case you aren't ready, or already achieved the feat.
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  4. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Just so every one knows there have been things in the past that were "working as intended" that were later changed.
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  5. Avian Dedicated Player

    You don't even need to trap him... just tank him at the other side of the room lol..
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  6. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    Well, that is pretty much what I meant by "trapping," lol.
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  7. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    I don't think this is the case here. It's a wide open room. It wouldn't make sense to not take advantage of it.
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  8. Louis Active Player

    Now be nice Hoax
  9. Tule New Player

    I forget which instances, but there have been occasions where people will corner a boss to stop certain moves or the range of them and that was considered and "exploit" in the past. People even got mad and were saying things like in the OP about it "being strategic placements" and the devs said it wasn't. I really wish I could remember the fight, but it might have been Prime or Nexus. Or it could have been flying in Dox.
  10. Stark23 Committed Player

    Did anyone really think the strategy of keeping him far enough away from the dead wasn't tested or thought of prior to it rolling live. Come on.

    Confirmed by Nasty!!! If you have to rely on this exploit then you might need a better raid group
  12. Tikkun Loyal Player

    That's interesting...we've never used that strategy. We have our tanks kite the enemies so when they die it's spread out. Gotta keep it a little challenging. ;)
  13. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    Some people. Even with evidence, still can't be convinced. Hey, if you already have the feat, then why create more work for yourself? This is but one way to fight the boss. It's not an exploit, it's called minding your surroundings. ;) It's not exactly difficult to get the feat. This was just to clear the air, in regards to people thinking this may not have been intended.
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  14. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    I havent done it yet, only done lockdown, 300 tick POT with 950 prec isnt a good enough troll for EUPS villain side :-(
  15. Notangie New Player

    My stance: everything is a strategy if the game allows it. It's only an exploit if they fix it.
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  16. HiggletyPigglety New Player

    Its not the size of the tick, but how you use it.
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  17. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    You also got to keep in mind that people don't like to admit that they screwed up in programming allowing something they didn't intentionally want allowed to be there, working as intended is usually the good PR way to handle such mistakes as one would assume a door should probably be closed
  18. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    That's too boring for me.

    I prefer to have the Tanks kite around the room to begin and have all the dreggs fall down separately so he can only pick one up at a time. At least then I get to fight more stuff.
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