Complaint/Rant on level 10's in lpve

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by tinoman, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. tinoman Dedicated Player

    They should not allow level 10s to do a instance that they don't understand. Before any else says don't blind que or do it with someone else just stop you should be able to start any instance by blind queuing. They got stuck at the the split and would not listen and didn't understand the mechanics or read the screen that said too kill bots at the same time. And they thought I was the problem when I was telling them how to do it they kicked me they're best hope for beating it. I got locked out because 3 of them went on one side and I went and died on the other and was locked out the whole rest of the fight while they were trying to understand but not were comprehending. They didn't know that I could not come back in when I died unles they all die as well and I kept telling them and then I guy leaves and his linkdead character is inside the the split while everyone else is outside and cannot continue the fight for another ten minutes and no one wants to kick because being locked for 3 hours from kicking from other content run.

    TD;DR they shouldn't allow anyone in htere that doesn't even fully know game mechanics or fix the ui so they can fully understand because the way it is now they don't see how to do it. Or just do not let people que until level 30 where they understand a little more atleast.
  2. Kal~el Committed Player

    Never gonna happen. All players have right to play.
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    The failure was not due to them being level 10. I see people who are 140+ who can't read chat. I think most people anticipated the split would be a source of frustration with the average group.
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  4. Ichiro Loyal Player

    With this latest lpve I kinda agree with you. when we were just doing area 51 which is at there level It wasn't that hard but Nexus and soon paradox wave are far beyond the understanding of the common player at level 10. The simple mechanics in this raid become too challenging for players at level 10 that have had no build up that everything isn't just run forward and pew pew pew.
  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I just ran Labyrinth of Lost Souls with a 143 player who couldn't understand that he shouldn't be doing damage in the room with the poison gas. Instead of stopping DPS to allow people to turn the enemies into stone blocks for plugging the gas sources, he just kept taking all enemies out while the rest of us tried to get the blocks faster than he could KO them. He was notified multiple times in chat to stop.

    The problem is not limited to new players.
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  6. Owl Devoted Player

    Less than 9% of all characters in the Census are Level 30.

    60% of all characters are between Level 10 and Level 29.

    Free content should be available to as many players as possible.
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  7. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Oh just you wait for the Paradox Wave, that is going to be such a crack up! :D
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  8. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    a lvl-based exclusion has been happening for as long as I played this game. You can't play the event instances unless you are lvl 5 or higher. Also, all tutorial missions are based on this idea. The entire endgame is based around the idea that you can't play certain instances unless you have a certain CR. That's the incentive to gear up.

    lol, for real! :D I have seen groups of 6 CR120+ players fail at Para. :D
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  9. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Labyrinth always has "that :mad: " guy, it's not that they don't read or understand, but they are usually trying to top the scoreboard(or catch up...usually catch up), everyone trying to do the objective and there's always the dps that will pretend not to know what the objective is and will keep dpsing.
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  10. Backseid Devoted Player

    So you know all the mechanics before you go into every instance? LPV is extremely easy. It's for everyone. Make your own groups if you can't hack PUGing.
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  11. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Actually I would think the player you are describing is a new player. I ran FE with a 140 player that was his first time in there. You always know when feats start popping. We failed the wind tunnel and grade 4 with that player. Like I said there is no build up for these new players to learn that the game isn't just pew pew pew. A new players progression goes from following high Cr's just smashing content to holy crap I have to do something other than just push buttons. It is unfortunate but a reality we are in.
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  12. Backseid Devoted Player

    LPVE has nothing to do with leveling up. It's just there. It's a "free for all" button mashing fest. People who want a specific type of run can make a group.

    That's really all there is to say on this subjectm
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  13. Backseid Devoted Player

    Btw, is kicking enabled in LPvE? I never thought about it before.
  14. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Yeah no to this if i can get through with my lvl 10's then its not big deal, it sounds more like wanting an experience group if that's the case go make you a group. I'm most cases this is good for new player it gives them an idea of what they can expect from things like this with there own characters and they would have gain experience. That means less people not knowing to do, so take the time before it starts to ask has anyone done this before, if not explain then move on, if you don't want to explain the don't get upset with the results.
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  15. SSeid Committed Player

    What exactly stopped you from leaving?? As silly as the no kicking excuse might be, why didn't you just leave if you saw no future?

    I wouldn't que for anything unless I was sure I could solo or at least duo the content.
    Pugging always had risks.. if you wish to avoid them, then you can simply ask in lfg for people over lvl30.. or whatever you think might get you to finish it.

    It is not the level 10 that is the problem it's the players.. happens if you pug!
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  16. BumblingB I got better.

    LPvE is like normal LPvP. Once you hit a certain level, you can queue. They have to learn sometime.

    You obviously knew what people would say to you with this thread. Form your own group. You get what you get when you random queue. Help by teaching them. (w/o yelling at them, mind you. you teach easier with sugar than with salt.)
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  17. tinoman Dedicated Player

    as i said don't say that in the post if you don't read. I qued because it was a sunday no league members on i'm sharing my opinion/experience i wanted to try to teach them how to finish. But they would not listen or read the wall i of text i was putting in group chat. They should be able to understand the mechanics or let the game tell them what to do but, apparently they can not see and see the person that was willing to teach them the most/wanted to show them and they kicked me lol so much for being helpful.
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You and I are saying the same thing, though. Limiting this to excluding people below a certain level will not solve the problem. It might reduce it, but how much? There are a ton of green players with high combat ratings.
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  19. Backseid Devoted Player

    That's actually a great point. These are a way for newer players to get used to these instances while on a level playing feild. Great point *thumbsup*

  20. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    you seem to think I advocate exclusion of players in LPVE. You are mistaken. I don't.
    I just laid out that the devs do advocate this kind of policy throughout the game and that there is no real motto like "all players have (sic!) right to play", as the OP put it.
    I'm 100% with you on the "if you want a specific group, go make one" approach.