Community Style Initiative: Call for Suggestions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 2, 2021.

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  1. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Talon, perhaps? Not a big fan of Grayson.... but scarves :eek::oops:

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  2. Wildcat Committed Player

    Red Arrow


    Star Man / Star Girl




    Black Mask





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  3. VulcainFr New Player

    High-tight boots WITHOUT HEELS like Raven or Supergirl please !!!!!
  4. Original Kal Well-Known Player

    slimelines with no line including more open necks, not a mock turtle neck, and sleeve that stop at the wrists.

    star-spangled shorts and a skirt.

    There are a lot of different Superman and Batman emblems that could be used in the game. By the way, the emblems need to be a bit larger.

    how about the actual Alan Scott emblem?



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  5. LoganCaron Active Player

    3 suggestions for styles: First: option to choose the scale of the emblems ( small, normal or big )..Second: the composite materials are awsome..would be nice if there was a blue, red and black composite material but without the neon..Last one: a chest style without a collar.
    Ill probably have more suggestions during the rest of the week loll
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  6. Blight KOBRA Commander

    The Monarch


    Scandal Savage

    Gentleman Ghost



    Duela Dent

    Dr. Polaris




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  7. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Classic Azrael

    • This one covers all gear slots.
    • The cape is something we can't currently recreate because it's a combination of the plain split with the Hawk ribbons at the same time. There's also the front part that wraps around the chest.
    • Gloves would be cool as a battle reactive item with blades out in combat.

    Knightquest Batman
    • Another with all gear slots.
    • Lots of parts we can't recreate currently because of how they intersect... 2 shoulders styles, cape wrapping around to shoulders & chest.

    Classic Kyle Rayner
    • Just a simple asymmetric GL costume
    • The missing slot items can be filled in with hard light armor (shoulders, back, waist, etc)
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  8. Wildcat Committed Player

    AND HIS NAME IS Peacemaker ! :D

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  9. shootaj New Player

    [IMG](just the hair)
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  10. SheMajin New Player

    Omg Hi so I am like in love with the batfamily and I feel like batgirl isn’t getting that much recognition like she should. I think you guys should implement some new batgirl gear or at least please give us her cowl. You guys already took the first step in adding hair to cowls/hoods by giving raven’s rebirth feathered hood some hair that even allows us to change the color. All the batgirls in game would extremely love this and I’m pretty positive even non-iconics would be rocking this cowl too. Making my own cowl is starting to get old so adding this new iconic cowl would just be a dream come true. Hope you see this devs, thank you. :)
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  11. LoganCaron Active Player

    That emblem but with tindable colors ;-)
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  12. Amontron Well-Known Player

  13. Jay_Monster New Player

    I think the two main outfits that should be added have to be:

    -- Jason Todd's Rebirth Year 2 outfit

    -- Damian Wayne's Rebirth Outfit

    I think these are really good outfits to include as 1, the Gotham Outlaw gear is a bit outdated, and 2, Damian Wayne is the only Robin that doesn't have any gear.

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  14. 2020Superman New Player

  15. Ericmesias1986 New Player

  16. Nerissa New Player

    I think it would be cool if they added both a damian wayne rebirth and a catwoman style (or her official cowl to go with her goggles)[IMG][IMG]
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  17. Superman Rox1 New Player

    I would love to see a permanent superman set of gear for the game. I have been wanting a superman suit for the longest time. A rendition of the classic suit or new 52/ legion suit would be a great idea.
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  18. AKXC Well-Known Player

    the one who laughs


    robin starro pet/trinket



    parallax sinestro

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  19. AKXC Well-Known Player

    this is an amazing content, hopefully most of our choices can be green lighted as all of them are good :D
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  20. Rektumocepac New Player

    I cant post pictures, i dont know why, BUT...

    Rick Flag's chest piece, 1 color t-shirt with holsters (guns are optional).
    I would love to see that, its in the comics, so it wont be a problem for you to put it in game.
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