Community Style Initiative: Call for Suggestions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 2, 2021.

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  1. Dark warlorck Active Player

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  2. Telnano Active Player

    Jes Cruz and Lyssa Drax


    • Like x 11
  3. SeiyaDivin² New Player

    I would like to see Mepps' Omnipotence glasses , I am not a robot
    More seriously : Wildcat Style , Blue Bettle , Argus Agent , Black and White Lantern
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  4. Catch Me If You Can New Player

    katana and dc character samurai series inspire:
    Poison Ivy
    Harley Quinn
    [IMG]The Penguin
    Batman 2
    • Like x 10
  5. Engendro Nefasto Well-Known Player

    Jonah Hex all the way!
    • Like x 6
  6. Controller Devoted Player

    Do Darkseid's Son Superman, too - please.


    Let this be a nod back to the time when Darkseid began his lifelong quest to try and control Superman - during Superman The Animated series of the 90s.




    This quest continues on up until NOW - with the Synder cut.
    • Like x 2
  7. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    You can pretty much make that version of the question in game right now, there is a trench coat with a suit I forgot its name, but the questions face is a JLD reward I believe its like 100 source marks
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  8. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    My 2 cents:

    Bring back fish net stockings
    Bring back boxing gloves
    Give us a demon tail, it really never drops from the vault anymore
    Darth Vader style helmet

    Yes, most of these are not new and not complete outfits but they would fit with DC style characters if you could fit them in with some new 'complete' outfit. Or you know, put them in the broker to purchase as separate items, make some easy $ as personally I would buy all of these in a heartbeat.
  9. Dark warlorck Active Player

    [IMG] Beautiful Sebastian Faust shirt and Ragman costume.
    • Like x 3
  10. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    And they said Darkseid can't be a mentor. Just look at that smile :p
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  11. Valmi New Player

    What about simple things we could do on multiple toons? Like more Sunglass options other than just the Biker glasses and Summer zinc shades. More back items that are not Capes. More shorts/skirts for females. Separate Facial hair on males so they can use some of the newer long hairstyles but have a goatee etc. But alas, I'd also like to see rotatable floor items on the broker so I'm a dreamer...
  12. Shadowking60 New Player

    kyle rainers first custum green lantern uniform,knightfall batman armor,a ninja inspired batman suit not the animated film
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  13. Gardel New Player


    The darkseid arm as a single glove. We don't have a glove style like that
    • Like x 5
  14. Dark warlorck Active Player

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  15. Controller Devoted Player

    I always thought Simon Baz's Green Lantern style was unique, too.



    • Like x 2
  16. Shootyy New Player

    Simon baz and Jessica Cruz have such nice styles with so many possibilities in game.

    I'd also love to see something for the guardians of oa, frank laminski and volthoom
  17. Burning_Baron Loyal Player


    An actually good looking Steel inspired by set. Maybe some Superman content in the future can include the entire superman family. Heck I'd take the Doomsday event and flesh it out like the Aquaman event to use as filler.

    This speaks for itself


    This would make for an interesting face style or helmet


    Atrocitus needs some love. Becoming Herald of the Butcher added some more layers to him.
    • Like x 3
  18. Burning_Baron Loyal Player


    This would be a cool droppable style. The T Mask like the mask of Ion would be a cool item to have.
    • Like x 5
  19. Doctor England New Player

    Honestly more generic slimline styles with emblem slots. The whole premise of the game is that we create our own characters, so more gear to make our characters our own and not just gear inspired by iconics would be super dope.
  20. The dark comander New Player

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