Livestream Community Livestream & Daily Rewards - August 20, 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 19, 2021.

  1. DscwcFolly Active Player

    ok you say there!!! in this video. Then were because i just watch the video and there not in there????

  2. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Keep forgeting to ask...are the Webbed Flexsuit and Thorned Flexsuit in any of the vendors? These are rare style drops from the Flashback Duo. They're only for Healer/Controllers. I was hoping they would have been added somewhere for all to get.
  3. SPARTAPC New Player

    Thx for the information Thelorax. It’s not a confirmed date so I have no idea it said next week.
  4. Nikola27 New Player

  5. Raizen Reaper Active Player

    Free/Premium players will receive 1 Destiny Tokens per month or not?
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Here's a question that might not have been asked...and I'll get my answer in a few days so no big if there is not an answer...but does the 'day' go from reset to reset or reboot to reboot? So if I log in on the last day of the month at 2 min to reset...claim my 6th day's rewards (as we are now live Aug 1) Then 3 min later after reset, is it the 7th day....or is it the 1st day of September? or does the 'day' change at reboot, so this is not an option?
    • Like x 1
  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The day will turn over with each region's daily server restart (6AM PT, 4AM GMT). We moved it from the traditional loot lock reset that happens earlier in the morning to hopefully prevent this confusion.
    • Like x 8
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd agree with that...especially on the last day of the month it would get confusing.
  9. IonHero Committed Player

    Are there Caps to the new Currencies(Fate and Destiny Tokens)?

    How long do we have to collect any given month?(SO we need to do it by the End of the month? or can we collect it in a following month?)

    Assuming that we don't have forever to collect a reward, what happens to rewards we "earned" but have not collected? (Are they auto collected onto whatever character logs in next? mailed to us? or are they lost?)

    So if a sever restart is delayed, is it still at the (6AM PT, 4AM GMT) time or whenever the server restart is?

    Also Have you considered. having loot lock reset happen at the same time?
  10. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Sssh, you're going to ruin a good thing...LOL
  11. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Thank you so much Oceans. I asked for Amethyst glass and then you dropped it on us the next boss. I feel loved, and fabulous in my new mat :)
    • Like x 1
  12. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I got my 2nd day at reset time. Friends did too.
  13. Multiverse Creator League

    I got the 2nd day on USPS4.
    Not on USPC.
  14. Billy BodyBags New Player

    Is the daily rewards system broken? I work odd hours, so I logged in at 12:00AM EST last night/this morning, and then again at 4:15PM EST today, and the rewards haven’t reset.. It should’ve reset hours ago?