Coming Back

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Oleandis, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    So- for someone who’s been out of the game for like 5 years- is it worth it to come back?
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yes, and welcome back!

    It is still a fun game and for me it is a stress reliever. At the moment the Shock to the System DLC is winding down and everyone is eager for the new next DLC Justice league Dark / CURSED, which is scheduled for sometime next month.

    There have been some changes in the last 5 years and with any kind of change some is good and some is bad based on one’s own perceptions of what is better or what is worse. It is up to the individual to decide if they like the changes or not.

    I hope you will find enjoyment in playing DCUO again, and reconnect with some old friend as well as make some new friends.
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  3. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. Its ironic that I just downloaded the game and its “offline for maintenance” lol. Boy does that alone bring back memories.
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  4. Multiverse Creator League

    If you did not play for 5 years.... there will be a LOT of new content for you. :)

    The biggest change we had since then was the House of Legends.
    The Daily Rewards...
    The new Allies....
    The new Emotes...
    ... and more. ;)

    I have a bunch of videos if you need more info. :)

    Welcome back to DCUO. :)

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  5. FixMyPower Active Player

    Honest opinion; no.
  6. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Well, it's up to you, really. But I was gone for a few years, now back for around a year, and I'm enjoying DCUO again. As Tiffany and Obsidian said, there've been a lot of changes; there's a lot of stuff to do now, even if some of it sometimes feels repetitive or recycled. I think the best new development is that it's now totally FtP. You can still pay for membership, but now instead of unlocking game content, you get goodies like styles and stuff to improve your equipment, as well as a premium currency for buying stuff from a special vendor.

    Ignore the people saying unequivocally "Stay away" or "Don't bother." They're just peeing in the swimming pool because something made them mad and now they can't stand the thought that someone else might still be having fun. The only one who can decide if it's still worth it is you.

    So, welcome back, and I hope you have fun. If you have questions, most folks here on the forums are happy to provide helpful answers. And feel free to ignore anyone who's just being a jerk, instead of helpful or constructive. :)
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  7. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    If you're solely into stats building, the stat clamp has destroyed that particular aspect of the game, and it won't be as fun for you.

    That said, if you enjoy the design aspect, then the game is still vibrant.

    If you want to make friends and join a community, um, well, you'll see.
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  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Yes, the game is in a fine spot with new content coming out in October (Episode 46 and more rewards for Halloween seasonal - and I'm not sure if you know they added a race for the event either.)

    The game has gone through a lot of changes so you might want to read up on artifacts, allies and augments. Obsidian's YT channel is a good source for loadouts and which arts\augs\allies you should be using for your power, role, etc.

    Depends what you look to get out of the game too, there's still a lot to do even when you don't run on duty content. (Also, if you are looking to catch up on CR, the Omnibus will help you get there pretty quick.)
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    After 5 years, there will have been a lot of changes and it'll probably feel like a new game in many ways for a while, is it worth it? Well that's entirely up to you I'm afraid, You can play a lot now for free, if not really the whole game, but there's probably also no harm in subbing for a month as well as it'll help you with extra daily rewards to get going and if you're not enjoying it after a month or two, then make a call then.
  10. Multiverse Creator League

    Did you just call me Obsidian?? :eek: :eek:

    Or did he post in this thread but somehow his post is invisible?? :oops:
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  11. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Yes. That is the case with every game in existence.

    Ask yourself: why did you leave? Then ask yourself: Is the reason I left still as valid as it was in the past? If not by the slightest margin, then go back. Since almost all of the reasons are affected by personal interpretation of the problem, almost always it`s worth to give the game another shot.
  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Oops, my bad. :oops:
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  13. Multiverse Creator League

    It's ok. ;)
  14. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Seriously, though, I had scrolled up to see if it was Obsidian or you who had posted, and I still got it wrong. >_<
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  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Now I truly know what Brand Confusion means. ;)
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