collecting legends bugs.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by McShotzz, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. McShotzz Well-Known Player

    As title says im trying to put together a list ok known legends bugs for both pve pvp. Will gladly appreciate any more that you can provide.

    So far i have:
    - catwoman and cheetahs special version of MA are doing insane dmg (spinning punch doing 800-1100 but standard MA is aroung 250-400)

    - red barrels in some pve instances are doing crazy dmg on bosses(up to 11k) and in others literally 0 dmg.

    - healing abilities seem to be broken like donna troys and saintwalkers SC (havent tested others like Shazam/black, or atro)

    - Once again bombshell variants aren't counting towards pve checklists( at least in area 51)

    - kryptonians who have lasers for block breakers no longer have the precision dot from the hold hold combo although the it does apply the burning animation like before.