Collected or not plz

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Qwantum Abyss, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I am an OG player returning after years an years away.
    When i stopped Playing i noticed unattuned gear being introduced an such (cool no biggie).

    Returning after all these years i found an issue im sure others are having, when loot drops in almost all content its unattuned which is fine BUT i have no way to see if its a style i need for a feat or not. The gear being unattuned has nothing to do with if i have collected the style. I try as fast as possible to exit, get to feats, get to styles, scroll through, and see if i need it but even if your able to do it in time before u miss the loot pick, the name of the unattuned gear OFTEN does not correlate to the style set so its difficult to know if u are even checking the correct set........

    How has this not been changed? It should say on the loot screen if we have collected the style or not.
    Does everyone do what i do an google it as fast as possible an scroll through as fast as possible?

    What am i missing here and @mepps, why not just give us the info on the loot screen if the style is one we collected or not???
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  2. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Lol i cant be the only one???
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You are not, but I'd guess that as the 1st box is not opened, it has something to do with that. I'd settle for just having the name of the actual style on the 1st box so I'd have 120 seconds to go look the feat up and see if i'm missing that particular piece...the green/yellow indicator would be better, but just removing the mystery of what each style is would be a good step. So in the instance of the BOP daily drops it would still be called the 'Big' whatever, but down below it should have 'Style set - Furious' somewhere.
  4. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Rite! Something....... anything....... any type of guidance or indicator lol