Since we've all seen the "joys and merriment" of pug raids, and we all know that our league raids run smoother and are kinder to each other, I was thinking that, rather than a 2 league alliance, a coalition between multiple established leagues would be beneficial, especially to those of us who play at times when not all of our league mates are on. If your league would like to join this coalition, PM me. edit: The Shadows are USPS hero and villain
For clarification purposes, this would be like a shared but private lfg, only used by members of the leagues involved. So if we could get 10 leagues on hero side, as an example, and you saw someone shouting for roles for Bombshell Paradox, you could assume 1)The people in the group before you were from their league or friends list and 2) the people that join the group after you would probably be from an established league and be able to behave themselves appropriately.
Since no one has replied yet, I'll start by asking questions that most leagues who might be interested will ask. First, I am guessing you will have two separate chats, one for the heroes and one for the villain side. Why? The reason behind this is that if we have one unified chat group, there would be confusion as to when people start shouting for groups, especially since some raids have the same name on both sides. As well, I'm not one to be diligent enough to keep typing "VILLAIN blah blah blah raid blah blah". Nope, not going to happen. Second, What requirements would you have for leagues to join this so-called coalition? Is it a simple "If you're a league, and interested in join, then join!" or is it a "Set number of members, and yada yada yada"? Why is this a major question? It's because if you just let leagues join, then what is the difference of this chat and the LFG chat? You are trying to minimize pugging here, and yet this chat means that you ARE going to pug, especially if you have leagues upon leagues that do not know each other. In other words, it's a glorified LFG chat. Especially since you are envisioning ten leagues, and you are counting that people in these leagues know their stuff. Fact check, not all league members of a "known" league are good players, and not all good players are part of leagues. Third, how much influence do you and your league have in terms of starting this group? Not that I'm trying to denounce you or your league, but I know nothing of you, and your league seems to stem from numbers, and lowish levels at that. What would leagues benefit from partnering up with you, or your supposed networks? If I was a league leader of the more prestigious and well-known/experienced league, I would not give this post a light of my time. Again, I'm not defaming you, I'm just stating facts that may sting a bit. Yes, I'm not well-known either, but I'm not the one starting this so it's not really my problem to deal with. I guess that's it for now, I might come up with more holes in your plan but it's something you and your associates should think about before starting something this scale. Two league "alliances" work because these leagues can get to know each other quite well without too much members talking and stuff, and even then, it's usually a slow process. Cheerio!
Great idea, however historically the problem with banding together is that people eventually protest that you exclude the little guy or whatever who wanted to be carried. Alliances are best carried out in secret.
First of all, Oddpodd, thank you for asking these questions. I'm glad to provide answers. I don't want any league leaders ignoring this possibility because of something unanswered. A fair question. How much influence do we have? None? A lot? The answer remains to be seen. The point really isn't joining up with ME or my league, it is a coalition of established leagues, most or all of which, we will all have heard of. You know nothing of me? I've run with you several times when you were with Apathy. You also have at least 2 members that came from my league fairly recently. I don't think I'm supposed to name names though. We have many, many mutual friends, you and I.
Yep not trying to put down your idea but you put 10 leagues together and I will bet you will have headaches especially when dealing with "elite" leagues
Maybe. Leagues are usually pretty well behaved, at least towards each other. I'm really hopeful that we can put together a coalition that will simply treat this chat as the next resort for filling raids, after looking in their own league, and before hitting lfg.
Wish you the best in your endeavor if u were uspc would love to run with you guess we can just wait and hope for crossplay
Good luck but that task may be bigger then you think. Because not only do each league have to get along with your but they must get along with each other. It will cause a lot of league jumping which will create league tension. How many people will be involved in the decision to add new leagues? Dealing with people who find the secret channel you all use. You can't lock it from strangers.
I have seen in other MMO how a player can be part of multiple leagues/guilds/clans, etc... Can we get that please get the option to be in more than one league.
The idea is good, but you'd need like-minded people to avoid clashes between players. Loot rules and such would probably help too.
I'm curious as to how you wish to recruit. You stated you want leagues you've heard of, however leagues you've heard of probably have no problem forming league runs; thus they have no need to pug. This seems to cater more towards smaller leagues or leagues with low activity currently. I advise to focus on those folks, as they are the ones needing a coalition the most. But in the end, it probably won't be much different than LFG chat with the exception of having a voice chat and not being limited to a character limit. So that alone would be an improvement to LFG, kudos. Finally, how do you handle folks who leave a league?
Loot rules? For trash bases items and the like? Loot rules would seem to be obsolete. Two years ago, yes, but I don't think this would be necessary. Starting backwards, folks that leave a league have nothing to do with me or this chat channel. No! This is for larger and established leagues, who don't act like jack***es to each other and know raid mechanics. If the idea fails, then it fails. My league is not a smaller league. We have 350-400 people on both hero and villain sides. I am not recruiting. I have posted this thread. I have sent some messages to leaders of well established leagues. Like I said, if it fails it fails. I run pretty late at night. I frequently encounter people from larger and established leagues. These people could have used this chat channel to form a group rather than pug in, even that large league that is calling itself #1 has people pugging into instances. I ran Courthouse Legends pve 5 times in a row, over the weekend, each time with one of those #1s (trying not to name names or leagues here).
Perhaps I'm not familiar with how chat channels work. But correct me if I'm wrong. You invite a league leader into your chat channel, and that leader invites his leaguemates. This invitation is account bound, so any alt that a league mate has will have access to this channel as well. Also, if the league mate leaves the league, he still remains in the channel. So my question for you is how do you handle those scenarios? If you're catering to only large established leagues, I don't see the point as your problem statement ( pugging, and trying to avoid having to pug) is not targeting the correct demographic (leagues that don't need to pug). I think your proposal won't filter "donkeys" as much as you hope. Good luck on it though. Hopefully it helps those who need it.
I think I originally misunderstood your point about players leaving a league. I see now. That is an excellent point. Well, I guess then, that he will still have the chat. There's nothing I can do about that, any more than a league leader can force him to delete a league chat channel. And as I stated already, I think you're mistaken about no one from large leagues ever needing to pug. I've seen them. They're there. There are also times when a league may have 6 or 7 and they pick up 1 or 2 from lfg. I know. I've seen it happen. Now maybe the larger leagues don't have to pug at 7PM Eastern on weekends, but many of us who run late, or early, have experienced many many times only having 2 or 3 league mates on, and maybe 1 or 2 of them are doing something else, like pvping.
I don't know if you're a leader, but if you're putting together a raid group and have 5 league members plus yourself, wouldn't YOU rather grab 2 people from leagues you know, that you know will behave decently and will know the mechanics of the raid?
Good luck with this Red. When I still played this game our league had Apathy chat. It basically wad Apathy and friends. It was a great way to group up or simply BS with other guilds. Don't let the negetivity on this forum get to you. This is a good idea since I have seen it work for us in Apathy. The only way I would have gone about this differently would be not to post this and PM the leaders of the leagues you are interested in playing with. There are WAY too many Ash holes on these forums and in the game period. Its probably why I haven't played the game in 5 months. ESO for me.
Certainly, which is why I go to my friends list to fill those last couple of spots. But I don't know if you can assume the person you pick up in coalition can behave and/or know the raid mechanics.