Clearing out journal entries

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Breaker, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. Breaker New Player

    I'm glad DCUO isn't doing the "auto generated" journal missions everyday anymore but it appears that "Violet Menace" journal mission auto resets after completing. I know there is a way to hide journal entries but if you managed to make it so the rest don't auto generate/reset then it would be great to do the same to the aforementioned journal mission.
  2. Trykz Dedicated Player

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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think that is the daily down in WOL2 Lantern area? if so, it's one of many that are permanent missions, you can't clean them out completely. AF1, WOL2, Trigon...and a handful of others had them. Only option is hide.

    Trust me, I hate them too...I don't like hiding anything, but it's the only option for those missions.