
Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by sayow55, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. sayow55 Well-Known Player

    I'm sorry but this clamping thing sucks. I pay my legendary membership every month for 4yrs and I can't be as powerful as I have worked my butt off for. Who's bright idea was this? This has got to stop for next update. Please fix this, it is not fair to work and pay this long and not get to use my abilities to their full potential.
  2. ErnieB Loyal Player

    you do realize we onlt have that on the monthly event right?
  3. sayow55 Well-Known Player

    Oh crap it seemed like. It was happening all of the time. Sorry, my bad.
  4. sayow55 Well-Known Player

    But still it does kinda suck
  5. ErnieB Loyal Player

    It does, but they said only the events will ever have clamping.
  6. sayow55 Well-Known Player

    It's kinda demoralizing when lower cars out dos you cause you are clamped. Lol