Christmas styles and base items :D

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Nov 20, 2020.

  1. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    hmmm .. if you apply wild material to the lasso, or any metal, you can get either barbed wire or a vine with thorns .... and looking at the size of the "Lobo Spacehog", it seems to me that it would turn out to be an ideal "ride" pet (the same is the sled ...) ...
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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Let's see, time to make a list and check it twice (couldn't resist LOL)
    • Definitely gonna get the Blue Wrapping Paper chroma on one character.
    • Love how the Naughty and Nice lists match up with some of the original collections for the holiday seasonal.
    • Gonna be tough to resist getting that emblem on a lot of characters.
    • I'll be interested to see if the beard works over full face masks.
    Overall I'm liking the offerings. Usually I'll just get one particular item for base items and call it good to get the feat but there's a great variety this year.
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  3. Jaelia Committed Player

    I’m screaming over those slippers :eek: SO CUUUUTTEEEEE !!!!!!!!! I love the Lobo Doll but that should’ve been a Waist style not an accessory
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  4. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    It should have been both for more options for the players.
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  5. Brit Loyal Player

    I don't suppose there's any chance that beard is a "face" style instead of a "hairstyle".

    I really want to be able to add a beard to all those new hairstyles they've introduced that lack beard options.
  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    The beard is a face style :)
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  7. GoldenBrownDragonFire Well-Known Player

    Awesome thanks for posting
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  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I have not seen this base item yesterday but I seen it today when logged in, also new -

    Hand-Stitched Reindeer Trophy
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  9. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Just look at all of this amazing new stuff. So many new additions, and I also have to catch up on a bunch of the older styles I missed. I'm definitely excited for next month! Way to bring the HYPE, Zoe!
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  10. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Thanks for posting everyone, great job devs! However.. Are the Chromas account bound and or tradeable? Thanks in advance. :D
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  11. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    From what I remember they are account bound. :) But I'll get in test again tomorrow to check, but 99% sure they are Account bound
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  12. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Okay just went on test, I'm not sure if that's intended - but you can sell them on broker as well. SO not account bound :D
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  13. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    I'm in love with the Dolphin Snow Globe. I could use a league hall sized version of it :oops:
    The rest also looks nice. :)
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  14. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Bummer. :( Guess I won't be getting it since it will clash with another face style I need for "the look"... :(
  15. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    And that's why these things should be a face style and an accessory or hat or something else. Maybe they just need to add another face category so we can put monocles and beards and lower face masks over domino masks and emissive eyes etc...
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  16. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    disappointed no socks but at least we don't get ice spikes again
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  17. TheBatmanFanBG Well-Known Player

    This year the rewards are way much better from what we got last year!
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  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I was going to get a proper picture of a male character with a beard + see if the emblems works on Main Man chest style (on the back),
    but Test server is lagging so badly!
  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    The beard on a guy (Proper image lol)
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  20. Brit Loyal Player

    I would like to be able to have a beard and still wear my glasses.

    But just the ability to have a beard and use ANY of the new hairstyles is an improvement, in my opinion.

    I'm going to have to look at both options and decide whether I want hair, beard, but no glasses, or hair and glasses but no beard. In either case though, at least now I have a choice.