Checkmate Armour origins

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Netherith, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Netherith Well-Known Player

    So we have Checkmate Informant and Checkmate Operative.

    Checkmate Informant is based on the then-current armour warn by Checkmate Operatives in the second Checkmate comic series (why DCUO didn't call this one the Operative armour is anyone's guess), however, I do not know what the Checkmate Operative armour is based off of. The closest armour I can find to match its appearance is, unsettlingly, the Darkseid Justifier armour from the Final Crisis event. If this is the case it is really inappropriately named and placed.
    Anyone have any clues?

    Checkmate Informant

    Checkmate Operative