chat tab gone

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Tsigalko, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    so i accidentally deleted all my chat tab. now all my chat is gone, no group, no league, no trade, no say, no shout, no LFG, nothing. i still can type but i can't read anything. and i can't re-join anything because the chat option in my setting is also gone. there are no chat option in setting anymore. usually it is at settings > chat, but now there are no chat option in setting.

    anyone have any advice to fix this?

  2. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    so i figure out how this happen. i was editing my custom chat, then my game lagged a bit. during the lag i spam triangle button on my controller (was playing another game earlier when triangle was the butteon to exit menu so i guess my reflect made me press triangle). for some reason it end up deleting all my chat tabs. and this includes the "default" tab for some reason ( tho normally we cant delete default tab). then my chat tab was all gone and "chat option" tab under "settings" is also gone.


    as u can see in the bottom left, all my chat tab is gone and i cant recover it. usually there is a "chat option" tab under stting between "voice" and "key binding", but as u can see in the pic, it is gone.
  3. Korvyne Committed Player

    All i can suggest is either shut the game down and load back In to see if it fixes it/gives you chat options or try validate assets at the launcher to see if it replaces the options during that.
  4. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    shutting the game down doesn't work. im validating now as we speak. my last resort will be just re-installing the game but im still looking for other solutions.

    thanks for the reply tho
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  5. Korvyne Committed Player

    Np. Hope it works.
  6. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    You just go into My Documents / May Games / DC Universe Online / SaveData

    In that folder you will find a file named chat settings. Move or delete that file and it will be created again. This will reset your chat settings. It is really easy to fix :)
  7. SheerFaith Committed Player

    If you have the german version of the game..the chat tab is gone for all of us ..seems to be an isssue while they are doing this maintaince..whole game is bugged..but as it seems only the once with german leanguage
  8. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Restore Settings to Default
    • For PC
      Find the SaveData folder and move it to someplace else on your PC. It is usually located in
      My Documents\ My Games \ DC Universe Online
    • For PS4
      From the main PS4 Menu, access the Settings submenu.
      Go to Application Saved Data Management.
      Open Saved Data in System Storage and select Delete.
      From there, delete the files you find that are associated with DC Universe Online
    • For PS3
      From the PlayStation menu (the XMB), access the Game submenu.
      Go to Saved Data Utility (PS3)
      From there, delete the files you find that are associated with DC Universe Online
    • For XB1
      Highlight DC Universe Online and press the menu button.
      Go to Manage Game > Save Data > Delete from console
    This will cause all your settings to reset to their defaults and fix any broken settings. The files will be recreated in their appropriate location when you start the game.