Changing Powersets for style feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fighter, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Fighter Well-Known Player

    How does this work? I know I will need to change to buy the other 3 T3 sets. But what are the other benefits of changing to get feats?

    But I have found some styles and pieces only in other power sets. I thought they fixed this but I am not sure. Like where can I get the Military Tech that is not for tank?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. darkmoon caverns New Player

    From what I have seen the only role specific styles are as follows:
    The T3 kryptonian gears

    (T2 Flash Duo)
    Webbed Flexsuit for Controller
    Angled Flexsuit for Damage
    Segmented Flexsuit for Tank
    Thorned Flexsuit for Healer

    (T2 Batcave/Khandaq Raids)
    Heartshard for Tank(also in Healer for Solos..don't remember what tier)
    Raptor Tech for Damage (might not be exclusive but I haven't seen it drop in any other role)
    Winged Fury for Controller (I think but I'm not completely sure though it drops in Tank role in the solos)
    I don't know what the Healer one is.

    (T3 FoS Raids)
    Kryptonian for Tank (also in Controller role from T3 solo weekly rewards)
    Aerial Defender for Healer
    Talon Lord for Controller
    Oolong for Damage

    That's all I can remember.
  3. insinceremelody New Player

    You want to try T1 duos for Military Tech for Controller and T2 Alerts for Healer.

    T2 Challenges:
    Aerial Defender for Healer
    Kryptonian for Controller
    Seraph for Tank

    T3 Challenges
    Heartshard for Healer
    Talon Lord for Controller
    Winged Fury for Tank
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  4. Miahztwin Committed Player

    Pretty much what insincere melody said. You only need to respec to one other power to get all the style feats unless you need the t3 iconic suits. I am guessin your are a controller power so like its said above as a controller you can get Shaman, Alien Tech, Military Tech, Talon Lord, Kryptonian, WInged Fury and Aerial Defender and Rapture(rapture is the t2 healer set found in t2 raids but it drops in t3 alerts for controller). If you were to go any other power, tank or healer, you would be able to finish the rest switching to either powers. For example you are missing Heartshard, Seraph, Medieval(every piece but head style is obtainable in controller). Those are the ones that I can think of on top of my head. If you switch to a tank or healer power, you can get the stlyes you may have missed. I'd recommend switching to tank since usually they are solo role in raids. Good Luck!
  5. Miahztwin Committed Player

  6. Fighter Well-Known Player

    I am a healer right now. And I will need to go thru and see what styles I need because when I do change powers to get the styles, I want to do it as quickly as possible.

    Thank you all very much for the info.