Changes to Teleporters

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Miranda31, Oct 15, 2024.

  1. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    I noticed an unannounced update to both my base teleporter (Urgent Warfronts) and the House of Legends Orrery.

    All listed destinations now have an all-caps (EPxx) in front of the destination name.

    I do NOT travel from one number to the next, I use the names of the places I want to go. Not EP38, but Patchwork Themyscira for example. The Orrery destinations are still in the same order because they are grouped by Tier and listed by episode so there isn't the same problem - it's just a visual bit of ugly that I will no doubt get used to in time, although it would have been better IMO to have the episode number AFTER the name and not in caps.

    However the order of the destinations using the Urgent Warfronts teleporter mod is now completely different. The old list of available destinations USED to be alphabetical, starting with the 31st century, Amusement Mile, Atlantis etc. and was quite navigable. The first 3 are now:
    (EP2) Central City
    (EP8) Gotham Wastelands
    (EP9) Metropolis Battlezone

    I can't think why this change has occurred, and it's quite annoying to have to consider where on the list is the place I want to go. Honestly, I preferred alphabetical, I don't know if I'm alone in that. Do people think that new players will find the episode listing easier?
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  2. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    Keep the change, just revert the order to latest to oldest episode.
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  3. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I liked the old system more. While we're on the subect of teleporters, can we please also make a change to how we view our friends base teleporter list. So many of us want the list alphabetized by character name to make it easier to find instead of scrolling through 100 names.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think it makes more sense for the Orray in the HOL, not so much for the urgent warfronts.

    It also doesn't make that much sense seeing as they didn't add the EP # to the missions list in custom play or even in Omni. I still think there are many that don't know that HOP1 had the New Genesis OW map for content/feats....or that feats in that episode require running the duos or alert or whatever. The names are helpful, but it's funny that it's not the same unifying marker across everywhere. Just plop 'EP ##' across the board and be done with it....or don't do it at all and go by name.
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  5. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I still think the Urgent Warfronts should be organized the same way as the Orrery teleporter: The current OW first, then submenus for each tier, organized by episode. Most bounty groups are only running T5 and T6, which means scrolling all the way to the bottom of the list to get to the OWs you need.

    And yes, if the Urgent Warfronts were arranged that way, I would definitely go back to my base between OWs, because my mail terminal is near the teleporter and the spawn-in point, so I could more quickly empty my inventory in between, without slowing down the group.
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  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I think this is a good change, and if we are at it already, I want them to change bases & league halls.
    That you can hide some, view them by order, etc.
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  7. vRad Well-Known Player

    I am not keen on it because I don't have episode numbers memorized but I know their teleporter names. Also, Doomed Metro, not having an episode number, sits orphaned at the bottom. I'm guessing the parentheses around the episode numbers are the culprit since those tend to precede the alphabet when sorting A-Z.

    Anyway, if it had been changed to match the HoL's configuration I'd consider that an improvement because we'd no longer have to scroll the entire list of locations. Fingers crossed this is a step towards that.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm down with that theory. I just think it should be uniform in some way. Newest on top is always a good choice too.

    I don't hardly do bounties anymore, but when I have, I would go to my base a lot too. A) my teleporter is straight across from my spawn in, not the short flight/run away in the main room of the HOL...and B) if I run up on my teleporter too quick and press circle, I'm not teleported back to the entrance like happens with the Orray if you speed up too quickly.
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  9. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Yes to this - I would go back to my base more if Urgent Warfronts was congruent with the Orrery, with the tiers. As I said, it breaks the list up so even with the episode numbers in front the order is consistent. I like the current DLC on top too.

    I've been bounced back to the start from the Orrery a time or two, at least now I know why!
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  10. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    It's a half-***** step towards congruence, that's the bit I don't like. Still a long scroll, but I can do the alphabet in my head, I don't keep a list of episode numbers there. And you make a good point about Doomed Metro being stuck down the bottom. It's in Tier 3/4 on the Orrery IIRC.

    It's the episode numbers themselves that dictate the order - the (EP is consistent (except for Doomed Metro)
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