Changes to in-game update schedule

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. Sollace Committed Player

    From memory, April Fools' Day is in April, not July...
  2. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    Shush? The whole PU server is on Shush mode. All 9 of you. When you come and put in work on the US server then you can type to The Owlman.
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  3. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Nice comeback. Took you a whole week to think of that? It sucks to suck. ROFL....
  4. thedemonocus Loyal Player

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  5. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    SILENCE. It sucks to suck? Did the PU server extend 30 more days for Pride month? Apologize to The Owlman or he will tinkle in your tea and poop on your crumpets. You are the Ringo Starr of the PU server.
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  6. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Love these threads. Show me who to put on ignore because of their incessant crap.
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  7. KiraStone New Player

    I have been trying to get on my main toon but I can't because it takes for ever to load up on my main toon then once I dc'd it says world is currently down, which is not true but I can log into any of my alts and get on and play but not my main toon. What is going on? is th is happening to other players login issues with ONLY main toons??? need some help here! thanks!
  8. Franalations New Player

    Tuesday morning downtime :(
  9. Sollace Committed Player

    If not, when is this change coming? Or did you dream about it on the eve of the announcement?
  10. JasonIsley Devoted Player

  11. goldenvirgin36 New Player

    what the heck how come pc side is down still down no news at all
  12. goldenvirgin36 New Player

    ye im real new to forums i dont usually bother messaging in here i do apologise for not making sence
  13. Strkr42p New Player

    So we going to talk about the tumblers not spawning on any phase I went to every phase no tumblers
  14. Chio New Player

    if you already make a permanent survival mode and add new rewards every 3 months, your online earnings will increase significantly, too