Changes Coming to the DCUO Marketplace!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 10, 2015.

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  1. RaidenTheReaper New Player

    hmm i have a question its there any option or budle to buy when includes acces to all your cash from your escrow ? cuz it will suck if you can buy the dlc's but you cant use your money
  2. Viktoryos SS Active Player

    QUESTION !!!
    What about armoryes beacouse till now I have One order for 600 SC and One bonus Armory but they work only when I am with All Accses or legendary. But when i am not in membership this not work and ask DLC Lighting Strake to be functional So my question is what will be happen in future..?
  3. TempestDragon New Player

    Did they stoped answering the questions?(Mepps and the developers)
  4. rimvader Well-Known Player

    As a Premium member I would just buy the episodes, Go legendary for a month to get new powers and access new gear (and open all my lockboxes too). Powers and gear you receive as legendary stay as premium, and legendary discount of 10% is nice too in mp.
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  5. Ivar New Player

    In the NEAR future you will write a Ticket to Support, that you cannot use your armories and get this weird error.
    As armories ALWAYS work no matter what your account status.
    Unless of course you have no place to actually install them.
  6. Celebrawl New Player

    Question,if this change is going to happen, would the powers still be available to me if i bought the DLC's?
  7. Revoemag Committed Player

  8. Sbel Devoted Player

    If you buy them right now, or if you already bought them, you'll still have the powers once this goes into effect. It says in the first post:

    Anyone who wants any of the dlcs at the current prices needs to buy them soon. We don't have an exact date, but:

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  9. PaperSackTan New Player

    mepps, does this change make it possible to have a lair for generator, mainframe, armories WITHOUT getting furniture and decorations as rewards? I really feel gipped when those come in reward boxes for my hard work. ie does buying the lair package thingie automatically turn on decoration rewards too?
  10. theapparatus New Player

    This just came up in shout chat on the watchtower. Someone stated that the contents of the Last Laugh was going up to $42.

    edit: My point being that there's a lot of misinformation and confusion surrounding this.
  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    I'm pretty sure you'll get the base items even if you don't have the "lair package thingie."

    Well it is kinda. Each Legend from that dlc will be $5. If you like legends I'd suggest buying it before the change.
  12. PaperSackTan New Player

    dagnabbit! on my 10 things I don't like about dcuo, base items is #1-9 lol. oh well.
  13. ChuchoFett New Player

    I agree with you on the Car thing .. but also this depends on the player .. there are players that like subscribing, there are some of us myself included that prefer to buy the content packs (DLCs) and there are ppl that just don't want or wont use everything in the DLC or don't think that the DLC has too much to offer and would like to have the Alerts/Duos/Solo missions sold separately and the Powers/Abilities etc.

    it will be much more expensive if you buy all of the DLC content separately but it will be cheaper for those who only want the powers or the duos/solo/misions/etc..

    we all know the main reason for this is money but i can understand why some ppl love this and why some hate it .. i personally hate some aspects of it .. i love the fact that i don't need to buy a DLC if i just want to have a new power .. or that i can simply stick to buying the episodes if i don't want any of the other contents... etc.

    Also .. you mentioned in the eyes of DCUO Premium and Free are the same but it think you mistook the eyes of DCUO with the eyes of the Subscribers .. i've been premium for years .. and the only thing i hate .. is the Money cap .. everything else is awesome .. i can send/recieve mail, i can trade, i can access all my DLC content even if i'm not subscribed, i have 6 character slots... i don't see a problem other than currency with Premium. but .. this is just my opinion.. cheers!
  14. Dysania New Player

    It would be great if there was a bundle that included everything that didn't come with the (soon to be) previous Ultimate Edition. I mean, what happens to people who already purchased the original if they buy the new Ultimate Edition Bundle? Do we just waste our money or do we get to pick other DLC to come with it? Will we possibly get SC compensation (for purchasing more DLC)?
    Just to help you understand it more clearly, my quandary is as follows:
    I have the first 4 DLC, as I have purchased the Ultimate Edition Bundle currently out, as I'm typing this.
    That means I have Fight for Light + Light Powers, Lightning Strikes + Electricity Powers, Battle for Earth + Earth Powers, and the Last Laugh + Shield Access.
    If I purchase the new Ultimate Edition Bundle that you plan on adding to the Marketplace, will my money be wasted, as I will effectively be purchasing all four of those DLCs again?
    I am glowing orange with envy for the people who haven't purchased any DLC yet, as they can just click away without worries. Hehe...
    The main thing I hope to accomplish is to tug at your heart strings, and make you pity everyone who's only purchased the Ultimate Edition Bundle so far. (Probably just three people.) Just kidding. I just want to see if you're okay with creating a secondary new Ultimate Edition for people who've purchased the new one's predecessor. As in, one that could possibly include:
    Episodes 5-9
    Quantum, Celestial, and Rage Powers
    Access to Utility Belts and the Lair System
    Please consider it! I'd buy it as soon as it's released. =D
    Call it the "Second Half" if you will. Put a slogan like, "Complete your collection!" xD
    Your choice, of course. I would like to thank you for your time once more.
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  15. lukelucky Devoted Player

    nice little package called legendary
  16. codahbear New Player

    So, why not make DLC purchasable via SC? I mean the only real viable thing these changes for the marketplace are doing is separating the powers from DLC, making them available separately. Also making nearly everything listed above more expensive. I would much rather spend 10 dollars on a dlc pack instead of having to buy the power, available pvp legends champs, and the DLC separately, for over 20$. (i.e. even though war of the light was reduced to 5$ the rage power is another approximate 6$ and then on top of it all pvp legends characters are no longer included and can only be purchased separately [costing another 10$ if both are purchased]) I like some of the changes, but honestly in my opinion this update is a rather large step backwards, generally speaking.
  17. nicky New Player

  18. Canuck or Die New Player

    WRONG! In the long run, this is more expensive. You are now paying for every little thing, instead of getting it in a bundle with a certain DLC pack. Not everyone wants this stuff piece-meal.

    As a premium member, *I* care about how much I am spending. Unlike you, I'm not okay with spending more money than I have too. It's your logic that's baffling here, not the logic of people who want to save money.
  19. Canuck or Die New Player

    Absolutely pathetic response. Clearly you don't understand the principle of the matter. Sure, it may only be $1, but it is still more expensive. Why the heck should any of us be okay that something is now more expensive? That's not a good thing at all.
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  20. Canuck or Die New Player

    Umm, except for the fact that buying the DLC now for $10 gives you everything, instead of in the future where you have to buy it all separate. Seriously, just stop and think what others are saying for a moment.
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