Change the way prestige works

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 6ix9ine, May 19, 2018.

  1. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    The larger a league the more chances you have of the league itself getting divided (not to say that it can't happen in smaller leagues though).

    Even when a league tries to organize itself (which it needs to do some degree if the league is actually a large one) that in and of itself can sometimes cause problems because people don't want this to feel like a job or people may not like the way things are organized.
  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Th only thing i wish they would change is the amount of prestige you earn donating items to your league hall. would be a big help to smaller leagues, encourage donating base items and could lend a little weight to the resale value of purple and gold base items that would otherwise be worthless on the broker. base items that cost marks to purchase should be worth the same as dematting gear you purchase with marks on a mark per mark basis (i think it works out that 1 mov = 7 prestige). if a base item costs 6 seasonal marks it should garner 6 x 7prestige.

    if you'e in a smaller league or a league of one and want to build up your league hall purple drops from Amazon Fury raids are worth the same amount of prestige as if they were purchased with marks as well as the blue 102 drops from hall of power content. Best are the weapons. They're worth like 450 prestige each. Not sure if this was overlooked or intentional but its been like this for years.

    you can also buy gear or r and d materials with marks of victory to help beef up your prestige.

    before the crappy revamp i was grinding all this content out every week on any number of toons. i was able to maintain 4 to 5 buffs a month. since the revamp i only run the malfunction duo sometimes and through normal, current end gameplay i can maintain 2 to 3.
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  3. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    The more that open world dailies and weeklies are such a large part of content, the more I think those should award prestige. Seasonals should also give you the same prestige alerts do.
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  4. kingmasternova Loyal Player

  5. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I run a solo league; just me and my alts.
    Getting Prestige has become much more challenging.
    One big loss has been due to Clamping. You get clamped at 34 CR; but get paid like you are CR 235.
    Seasonal alerts should pay like you are CR34.
    That would solve a lot of issues.
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

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  7. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Don't forget feats